Aguarde Carregando

The Name of Jesus: The Depth and Mystery Behind the Name of Jesus


“Jesus” is a name that resonates through sacred halls and busy streets, cited by theologians and sung by children. But what makes this name so powerful, so loved and so controversial?

The name of Jesus - Seeds of Faith
The name of Jesus – Seeds of Faith

In this article, we will delve into less explored aspects of the name of Jesus, going beyond traditional theology to understand its impact on the arts, popular culture, and even global politics.

Hebrew Roots and Divine Mission

As already discussed, the name “Jesus” is the Greek form of the Hebrew “Yeshua”, which means “the Lord is salvation”. This name was designated by a divine purpose, revealed by the angel Gabriel.

So, by asking about the meaning of the name, we are indirectly asking about the very essence of your divine mission on Earth.


Jesus in Books Outside the Bible

It is not only in biblical texts that the name of Jesus appears. He is frequently mentioned in historical texts and other religious traditions.

Roman writers such as Tacitus and Flavius Josephus made references to the historical Jesus, providing external confirmation of his existence.

Jesus in Popular Culture

From Renaissance paintings to Hollywood films, the name of Jesus is frequently portrayed and referenced in the arts.

In some popular songs, the name is used as a means of invoking deep emotions or even creating controversy.

It has transcended the strictly religious realm to become a multifaceted cultural symbol.

The Name as a Call to Action

In social justice movements, the name of Jesus has been invoked as a call to action.

He is seen as a defender of the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed. The name thus becomes an emblem for those who seek justice and equality.

Jesus and Global Politics

Surprisingly, the name of Jesus has also found its way into global politics.

It is cited by world leaders of different political orientations, whether to justify actions or to promote peace.

However, the use of the name in this context often raises intense ethical and theological debates.

The Riddle of Your Birth

The celebration of Jesus' birth is one of the most widely recognized events in the world.

However, the question “What day was Jesus born?” remains an enigma. This mystery adds another layer of fascination to the name and figure of Jesus, making it a frequently debated topic among scholars, theologians and even astronomers.

Alternative Names and Titles

In addition to Jesus, he is also known by several other names and titles, such as Christ, Messiah, Emmanuel, and the Word.

Each of these names and titles offers a different perspective on your identity and mission, making the study of your name a rich and diverse field.


The name Jesus is more than a simple arrangement of letters or a label for a historical figure.

It is a name that invokes diversity of beliefs, cultures, emotions and even contradictions.

Whether you are a devotee, an artist, a social activist or a political leader, the name of Jesus offers a wealth of meaning and a vast field for exploration and reflection.

We hope this expanded article has provided a more comprehensive and thought-provoking look at the name of Jesus, encouraging you to further explore this fascinating and multifaceted topic.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the meaning of the name Jesus?

The name “Jesus” is the Greek form of the Hebrew name “Yeshua”, which means “the Lord is salvation”.

This name was given with a specific purpose, related to the divine mission he would perform.

Where does the name Jesus come from?

The name has Hebrew origins and was adapted into Greek in the New Testament.

According to the biblical account, the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she should name her son Jesus.

Why does Jesus have other names and titles?

Jesus is also known by several other names and titles such as Christ, Messiah, and Emmanuel.

Each name or title offers a different insight into your mission and identity.

Is the name Jesus the same in all languages and cultures?

Although the meaning remains the same, the pronunciation and spelling of the name may vary depending on language and culture.

For example, he is known as “Jesús” in Spanish and “Gesù” in Italian.

Why is the name of Jesus so revered and used in different ways?

The name of Jesus is revered not only for its religious significance, but also for its impact on culture, art, and even politics.

He is a figure who transcends religion, making his name powerful and versatile in different contexts.

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