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Exodus, Chapter 22:


Verses from Exodus, Chapter 22 of the book of Exodus of the Bible.

Exodus - Old Testament
Exodus – Old Testament

Property protection

  • 1. If anyone steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it, for one ox he shall pay five oxen, and for one sheep he shall pay four sheep.
  • 2. If a thief is found stealing, and is wounded, and dies, he that wounded him shall not be guilty of the blood.
  • 3. But if the sun has risen on him, he who struck him will be guilty of blood; the thief will make full restitution; if he has nothing to pay for, he will be sold for his theft.
  • 4. If the stolen item is found alive in your hand, be it an ox, or a donkey, or a sheep, you will pay double.
  • 5. If anyone makes his animal graze in a field or in a vineyard, and releases his animal, so that it enters another's field, he shall pay from the best of his field and from the best of his vineyard.
  • 6. If the fire catches, and catches the thorns, and the sheaves of wheat, or the fields, or the field are ignited, he who lit the fire will certainly pay.
  • 7. If someone gives his neighbor money or a container for storage, and it is stolen from that man's house, if the thief is found, he will pay double.
  • 8. If the thief is not found, then the owner of the house will be brought before the judges, so that it can be seen whether he has not laid his hand on his neighbor's property.
  • 9. In every case of transgression, concerning an ox, an ass, a sheep, a garment, any lost thing, which anyone says is his, the cause of both parties shall be brought before the judges; whoever the judges condemn will pay double to his neighbor.
  • 10. If anyone gives his neighbor a donkey, or ox, or sheep, or other animal to keep, and it dies, or is maimed, or is carried away, and no one sees it,
  • 11. there will be an oath from the Lord between both parties, that he who put his hand on his neighbor's property did not put it into his own; and the owner will accept it, and he will not make restitution.
  • 12. However, if it is indeed stolen from him, he will make restitution to its owner.
  • 13. If he is torn apart, he will bear it as a testimony; will not make restitution for the torn apart.
  • 14. And when anyone borrows anything from his neighbor, and it is damaged or broken, while the owner is not present, he will certainly pay.
  • 15. If its owner is present, he will not pay; if it is rented, its rent is its price.

Social responsability

  • 16. If anyone deceives a virgin who is not betrothed and sleeps with her, he will certainly pay the dowry for her so that she may be his wife.
  • 17. If her father completely refuses to give it to her, he will pay in money according to the virgins' dowry.
  • 18. You will not let the witch live.
  • 19. Anyone who lives with an animal will certainly be killed.
  • 20. Whoever sacrifices to the gods, and not just to the Lord, will be destroyed.
  • 21. Thou shalt not afflict the stranger, nor make him distressed; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
  • 22. You shall not afflict any widow or orphan.
  • 23. If you afflict them in any way, and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry,
  • 24. and my anger will be kindled, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives will be widows, and your children orphans.
  • 25. If you lend money to my people, to the poor who are with you, you will not deal with them like a moneylender; you shall not impose usury on him.
  • 26. If you take your neighbor's clothing as a pledge, you will return it to him before sunset,
  • 27. for this is your only covering; it is the dress for your skin; where will you lie down? When you therefore call upon me, I will hear you, for I am merciful.
  • 28. You shall not blaspheme God, nor curse the prince of your people.
  • 29. You will soon bring offerings from the best of your fields and vineyards. You will give me the firstborn of your children.
  • 30. This is what you will do with your ox and your sheep; He will be with his mother for seven days, and on the eighth day he will give her to him.
  • 31. You will be holy men to me; therefore you shall not eat meat that is torn in the field; you will throw it to the dogs.

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