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Proverbs, Chapter 8:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 8 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. Wisdom continues to cry out, discernment raises its voice;
  • 2. In high places, by the wayside, at crossroads she positions herself;
  • 3. Next to the gates, at the entrance to the city, it is heard in a loud voice:
  • 4. “You, O men, I call; I raise my voice to everyone.
  • 5. You, the naive ones, acquire prudence; and you fools develop common sense.
  • 6. Listen, for I have important words to share; my lips will speak what is right.
  • 7. My mouth speaks the truth, for wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
  • 8. All my words are fair; none of them are distorted or perverse.
  • 9. To those who have discernment they are clear, and straight to those who have knowledge.
  • 10. My instruction is preferable to silver, and knowledge to pure gold,
  • 11. For wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you can desire compares to it.
  • 12. “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and possess the knowledge that derives from common sense.
  • 13. To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, bad behavior and wicked words.
  • 14. Sound advice is mine; To me belong understanding and power.
  • 15. Through me kings rule, and authorities exercise justice;
  • 16. Also, through me, the nobles, all the judges of the land, govern.
  • 17. I love those who love me, and whoever seeks me finds me.
  • 18. With me are riches and honor, prosperity and lasting righteousness.
  • 19. My fruit is better than gold, than refined gold; what I offer is superior to the chosen silver.
  • 20. I walk in the path of righteousness, in the paths of justice,
  • 21Giving wealth to those who love me and filling their treasures.
  • 22. “The Lord created me as the beginning of his way, before his ancient works;
  • 23. I was established from eternity, from the beginning, before the earth was.
  • 24. I was created before the abyss, before the springs of water;
  • 25. Before the mountains were fixed and before the hills, I was born.
  • 26. He had not yet created the earth, nor the fields, nor the dust of the first elements.
  • 27. When he established the heavens, I was there; when he traced the horizon over the face of the abyss,
  • 28. When he placed the clouds above and established the fountains of the deep,
  • 29. When he determined the boundaries of the sea, so that the waters would not exceed his order, when he marked the foundations of the earth,
  • 30. I was at your side, and I was your architect; day after day I was his pleasure, continually rejoicing in his presence.
  • 31. I rejoiced in the world he created, and humanity brought me joy.
  • 32. “Hear me now, my children: How happy are those who keep my ways!
  • 33. Listen to my instruction and become wise. Don't despise her.
  • 34. How happy is the man who listens to me, watching at my door daily, waiting at the doors of my house.
  • 35. For everyone who finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.
  • 36. But whoever turns away from me harms himself; all who hate me love death.”

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