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Psalms, Chapter 105:


Verses from Psalms Chapter 105 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Praise the Lord with gratitude, proclaim His name, make His deeds known among the nations.
  • 2. Sing to Him and exalt Him; witness all His wonders.
  • 3. Be filled with joy in His holy name; may the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
  • 4. Seek the Lord and His power; always yearn to be in His presence.
  • 5. Remember the wonders He performed, the wonders He performed, and the righteous sentences He pronounced,
  • 6. O descendants of Abraham, His servant, O children of Jacob, His chosen ones.
  • 7. He is the Lord our God; His decrees cover the entire earth.
  • 8. He remembers His covenant forever, which endures for a thousand generations, the word He commanded,
  • 9. of the covenant he established with Abraham, of the oath he swore to Isaac.
  • 10. He confirmed it as a statute for Jacob, as an everlasting covenant for Israel, when he declared:
  • 11. “I will give you the land of Canaan, your inheritance.”
  • 12. When there were still few, just a handful of foreigners in the land,
  • 13. wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another,
  • 14. He did not allow anyone to oppress them; the kings He rebuked, saying:
  • 15. “Do not touch My anointed; do not mistreat My prophets.”
  • 16. He sent famine upon the land and ruined all the food supply;
  • 17. but he sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold into slavery.
  • 18. They hurt his feet with chains; he was cast into the iron,
  • 19. until His word is fulfilled and the Lord's declaration proves true.
  • 20. The king ordered his release, the ruler of the peoples released him.
  • 21. He established him as lord of the palace, as ruler over all his possessions,
  • 22. to instruct his officials according to his will and to teach wisdom to the king's counselors.
  • 23. Then Israel went to Egypt, Jacob lived as a foreigner in the land of Ham.
  • 24. God made His people grow, made them stronger than their adversaries.
  • 25. He changed their hearts so that they hated His people, so that they conspired against His servants.
  • 26. Then he sent his servant Moses, and Aaron, whom he had chosen.
  • 27. Through them He performed miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Ham.
  • 28. He sent darkness, and there was darkness; and they did not disobey His words.
  • 29. He turned their waters into blood, causing their fish to die.
  • 30. Their land became infested with frogs, even in the chambers of their kings.
  • 31. He commanded, and flies and lice infested their land.
  • 32. Instead of rain, he sent hail and lightning that set his land on fire;
  • 33. ruined their vines and fig trees, and destroyed the trees in their territory.
  • 34. He commanded, and swarms of locusts came, an innumerable multitude of locusts,
  • 35. who devoured all the vegetation of that land, they consumed everything that the crops produced.
  • 36. Then He smote all the firstborn in their land, the firstfruits of their manhood.
  • 37. Then He brought Israel out of there, full of silver and gold, and there was none among their tribes that fainted.
  • 38. The Egyptians rejoiced when they left, for they were terrified of them.
  • 39. He spread a cloud for a covering, and fire to light the night.
  • 40. They asked, and He sent quails; He satisfied them with the bread from heaven.
  • 41. He split the rock, and water gushed out; Streams flowed in the middle of the desert.
  • 42. For He remembered His holy promise which He had made to His servant Abraham.
  • 43. He made His people go forth joyfully, His chosen ones exulted with songs of joy.
  • 44. He gave them the lands of the nations, and they took possession of the labor of other nations,
  • 45. so that they would obey His decrees and keep His laws. Hallelujah!

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