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Nehemiah, Chapter 7:


Verses from Nehemiah, Chapter 7 of the book of Nehemiah in the Bible.

Nehemiah - Old Testament
Nehemiah – Old Testament
  • 1. After completing the reconstruction of the wall and placing the doors, the gatekeepers, singers and Levites were appointed.
  • 2. To rule Jerusalem, I appointed my brother Hanani and, along with him, Hananiah, the commander of the fortress, for Hananiah was righteous and feared God more than most men.
  • 3. I said to them: The gates of Jerusalem must not be opened until the sun is high. And before finishing the service, the doormen must close and lock the doors. I also appointed residents of Jerusalem as sentries, some at points along the wall and others in front of their own homes.
  • 4.The city was large and spacious, but there were few residents, and the houses had not yet been rebuilt.
  • 5. Therefore, my God put it in my heart to gather the nobles, the officials and all the people to register them by families. I found the genealogical record of the first returnees. Here is what was recorded:

The list of returnees

  • 6. The list of those who returned: 6″These are the men of the province who returned from exile, whom Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had taken captive. They returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his own city,
  • 7. together with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Naamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Neum and Baanah. Here is the list and number of those who returned, according to the heads of families and their respective cities:
  • 8. “The descendants of Parós: 2,172;
  • 9. of Safatias: 372;
  • 10. of Ara: 652;
  • 11. from Paath-Moab, through the lineage of Jeshua and Joab: 2,818;
  • 12. of Elam: 1,254;
  • 13. of Zatu: 845;
  • 14. of Zacai: 760;
  • 15. of Benui: 648;
  • 16. of Bebai: 628;
  • 17. of Azgade: 2,322;
  • 18th of Adonikam: 667;
  • 19. de Bigvai: 2,067;
  • 20. of Adim: 655;
  • 21. of Ater, through Hezekiah: 98;
  • 22. of Hasum: 328;
  • 23. of Besai: 324;
  • 24. of Harife: 112;
  • 25. of Gibeon: 95;
  • 26. “from the cities of Belém and Netofa: 188;
  • 27. of Anathoth: 128;
  • 28. of Beth-azmaveth: 42;
  • 29. of Kiriath-jearim, Cephira and Beeroth: 743;
  • 30. of Ramah and Geba: 621;
  • 31. of Michmash: 122;
  • 32. of Bethel and Ai: 123;
  • 33. of Nebo: 52;
  • 34. from the other Elam: 1,254;
  • 35. of Harim: 320;
  • 36from Jericho: 345;
  • 37. of Lod, Hadide and Ono: 721;
  • 38. of Senaá: 3,930.
  • 39. “The priests: descendants of Jedaiah, through the family of Jeshua: 973;
  • 40. of Imer: 1,052;
  • 41. of Pasur: 1,247;
  • 42. of Harim: 1,017.
  • 43. “The Levites: descendants of Jeshua, through Kadmiel, of the lineage of Hodeva: 74.
  • 44. “The singers: descendants of Asaph: 148.
  • 45. “The gatekeepers of the temple: descendants of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita and Shobai: 138.
  • 46. “The servants of the temple: descendants of Zia, Hasufa, Tabaoth,
  • 47. Queros, Sia, Padom,
  • 48. Lebana, Hagaba, Salmai,
  • 49. Hanan, Gidel, Gaar,
  • 50. Reaiah, Rezin, Nechoda,
  • 51. Gazão, Uzzah, Paseia,
  • 52. Besai, Meunim, Nefusim,
  • 53. Baquebuque, Hacufa, Harur,
  • 54. Baslite, Meida, Harsa,
  • 55. Boats, Sisera, Tamah,
  • 56. Nesiah and Hatifa.
  • 57. “The descendants of Solomon's servants: descendants of Sotai, Sophereth, Perida,
  • 58. Jaala, Darcom, Gidel,
  • 59. Shephatiah, Hattil, Pokereth-hazebaim and Ammon.
  • 60. “The servants of the temple and the descendants of Solomon's servants: 392.
  • 61. “Those who came from the cities of Tel-Mela, Tel-Harsa, Kerub, Adom and Immer, but could not prove their Israelite descent:
  • 62. descendants of Delaiah, Tobiah and Nechoda: 642.
  • 63. “And among the priests: descendants of Habaiah, Hachoz and Barzillai, who married a daughter of Barzillai of Gilead, and who was called by the name of his wife.”
  • 64. They looked for their genealogical records, but did not find them, therefore they were considered unclean for the priesthood.
  • 65. Therefore, the governor ordered them not to eat the most holy offerings until there was a priest to consult the Urim and Thummim.
  • 66. The total number of all registered was 42,360 men,
  • 67. in addition to his 7,337 male and female servants. There were also 245 male and female singers.
  • 68. They had 736 horses, 245 mules,
  • 69, 435 camels and 6,720 donkeys.
  • 70. Some of the heads of the families contributed to the work. The governor gave the treasury 800 talents of gold, 50 basins and 530 priestly vestments.
  • 71. Furthermore, some of the heads of the families contributed 16,000 darics of gold and 1,320 minas of silver to carry out the work.
  • 72. The rest of the people also contributed 16,000 darics of gold, 1,200 minas of silver, and 67 priestly garments.
  • 73. The priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the temple servants, and some of the people and Israelites settled in their own cities.

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