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2 Chronicles, Chapter 6:


Verses from 2 Chronicles, Chapter 6 of the book of 2 Chronicles of the Bible.

2 Chronicles - Old Testament
2 Chronicles – Old Testament
  • 1. And Solomon exclaimed: “The Lord said that he would dwell in a dark cloud!
  • 2. Indeed I have built for you a magnificent temple, a place for you to dwell in forever!”
  • 3. Then the king turned and blessed the entire assembly of Israel that was standing there.
  • 4. And he said: “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has fulfilled by his hands what he promised with his own mouth to my father David, when he said to him:
  • 5. 'Since the day I brought my people out of Egypt, I have not chosen any city from the tribes of Israel to build a temple in honor of my name, nor have I chosen anyone to be the leader of Israel, my people.
  • 6. But now I have chosen Jerusalem for my name to be there, and I have chosen David to rule my people Israel.'
  • 7. “My father, David, had it in his heart to build a temple in honor of the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
  • 8. But the Lord said to him, 'You did well to have it in your heart to build a temple in honor of my name;
  • 9. however, it will not be you who will build it, but your son, who will come from you; he will build the temple in honor of my name.'
  • 10. “And the Lord fulfilled his promise. I am the successor of my father, David, and now I occupy the throne of Israel, as the Lord promised, and I built the temple in honor of the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
  • 11. I have placed in it the ark, in which are the tablets of the covenant of the Lord, which he made with the Israelites.”

The prayer of dedication

  • 12. Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord, and before the whole assembly of Israel, and lifted up his hands to pray.
  • 13. He had made a bronze platform eight feet long and wide, and four feet high, in the center of the outer court. The king stood on the platform and then knelt before the entire assembly of Israel, raised his hands to heaven,
  • 14. and prayed: “Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven and on earth! You who keep your covenant of love with your servants who, with all their heart, walk according to your will.
  • 15. You have fulfilled your promise to your servant David my father; You made it with your mouth and fulfilled it with your hand, as it is today.
  • 16. “Now, O Lord, God of Israel, fulfill the other promise you made to your servant David my father, when you said, 'You will never fail to have a descendant before me to sit on the throne of Israel, if Only your descendants will be careful to walk according to my law in everything, as you have done.'
  • 17. Now, O Lord, God of Israel, let the word you spoke to your servant David be confirmed.
  • 18. “But is it possible for God to dwell on earth with men? The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. Much less this temple I built!
  • 19. Yet heed the prayer of your servant and his request for mercy, O Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant makes today in your presence.
  • 20. Let your eyes be focused day and night on this temple, the place where you said you would put your name in it, so that you may hear the prayer that your servant prays towards this place.
  • 21. Hear the supplications of your servant and of your people Israel, when they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and when you hear, give them your forgiveness.
  • 22. “When a man sins against his neighbor and has to swear an oath and comes to swear before your altar in this temple,
  • 23. hear from the heavens and act. Judge your servants; He repays the guilty, placing the result of his conduct upon his own head, and declares the innocent innocent, giving him what his innocence deserves.
  • 24. “When your people Israel are defeated by an enemy because they have sinned against you and turn to you and call on your name, praying and pleading with you in this temple,
  • 25. hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your people Israel, and bring them back to the land you gave them and their ancestors.
  • 26. “When the sky closes and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you and your people have returned to this place, they will call on your name and turn away from their sin because you have punished them,
  • 27. hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the right way and send rain on your land, which you gave to your people as an inheritance.
  • 28. “When there is famine or plague in the country, blight and mildew, roaming locusts and ravaging locusts, or when enemies besiege your cities, when, in the midst of any plague or epidemic,
  • 29. a prayer or a plea for mercy is made by an Israelite or by all Israel, your people, each one feeling their own afflictions and pains, stretching out their hands towards this temple,
  • 30. hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Forgive and treat each person according to what they deserve, since you know their heart. Yes, only you know the heart of man.
  • 31. So they will fear you and walk according to your will as long as they live in the land you gave to our ancestors.
  • 32. “As for the foreigner, who does not belong to your people Israel, and who has come from a distant land because of your great name, your mighty hand, and your strong arm; when he comes and prays facing this temple,
  • 33. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and grant the request of the stranger, so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as your people Israel do, and may know that this temple that I have built bring your name.
  • 34. “When your people go to war against their enemies, wherever you send them, and pray to you, facing the city that you chose and the temple that I built in honor of your name,
  • 35. hear their prayer and supplication from heaven and defend their cause.
  • 36. “When they sin against you, for there is no one who does not sin, and you become angry with them and hand them over to the enemy, and he takes them captive to a distant or a nearby land;
  • 37. if they come to their senses, in the land to which they were deported, and repent and there pray: 'We have sinned, we have done evil and we have been rebellious';
  • 38. and if there they turn to you with all their heart and with all their soul, in the land of their captivity where they were taken, and pray toward the land you gave to their ancestors, toward the city you chose, and toward the temple that I built in honor of your name,
  • 39. then from heaven, your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their supplication, and plead their cause. Forgive your people, who have sinned against you.
  • 40. “So, my God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
  • 41. “Now arise, O Lord, O God, and come to your resting place, you and the ark of your power. Let your priests be clothed with salvation, O Lord, O God; may your saints rejoice in your goodness.
  • 42. O Lord, O God, do not reject your anointed. Remember the faithfulness promised to your servant David.”

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