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Isaiah, Chapter 5:


Verses from Isaiah, Chapter 2 of the book of Isaiah in the Bible.

Isaiah - Old Testament.
Isaiah - Old Testament.

The mountain of the Lord

  • 1. This is what Isaiah son of Amoz beheld about Judah and Jerusalem:
  • 2. In the times to come, the mountain of the Lord's house will be established as the highest; He will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will flock to him.
  • 3. Many people will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob, that he may instruct us in his ways, and then we will follow his paths.” For the law will go out of Zion, and the word of the Lord will come from Jerusalem.
  • 4. He will judge between the nations and mediate conflicts between many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. No nation will raise arms against another nation, they will never again train for war.
  • 5. Come, O line of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord!

The Lord's Day

  • 6. In fact, you abandoned your people, the descendants of Jacob, because they have become full of the practices of the peoples of the east, they practice divinations like the Philistines and join forces with pagans.
  • 7. His land overflows with silver and gold; its treasures have no end. His land is full of horses; their cars are countless.
  • 8Your land is full of idols. They prostrate themselves before the fruit of their own hands, before what their fingers created.
  • 9. Therefore humanity will be overthrown and man will be degraded; don't forgive them!
  • 10Hide yourself among the rocks, hide yourself in the dust because of the fear of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty!
  • 11. The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled and the pride of men will be humbled; only the Lord will be exalted on that day.
  • 12. The Lord of hosts has a day appointed for all who are proud and haughty, for all who are exalted, so that they may be humbled;
  • 13. for all the cedars of Lebanon, high and lofty, and all the oaks of Bashan;
  • 14. for every high mountain and every majestic hill;
  • 15. for every imposing tower and every fortified wall;
  • 16. for every merchant ship and every luxurious boat.
  • 17. The haughtiness of men will be humbled, and their pride will be humbled. Only the Lord will be exalted on that day,
  • 18. and the idols will disappear completely.
  • 19. Men will run to the caves in the rocks and to the holes in the ground because of the fear that comes from the Lord and the splendor of his majesty when he arises to shake the earth.
  • 20. On that day, men will throw the silver idols and the golden idols that they have made to worship to the rats and bats.
  • 21. They will run to the caves of the rocks and to the clefts of the cliffs, because of the fear that comes from the Lord and because of the splendor of his majesty when he arises to shake the earth.
  • 22. Stop putting trust in man, whose life is just a breath in your nostrils. What value does it have?

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