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Judges, Chapter 10:


Verses from Judges, Chapter 10 of the book of Judges in the Bible.

Judges - Old Testament
Judges - Old Testament


  • 1. After Jair's death, a man from Issachar named Zealot, son of Puah, son of Dodo, emerged to free Israel. He lived in Shamir, in the mountains of Ephraim.
  • 2. Zealot led Israel for twenty-three years, and then he died and was buried in Shamir.


  • 3. Then Jephthah of Gilead appeared, and he ruled Israel for twenty-two years.
  • 4. He had thirty sons, who rode thirty donkeys. Each of them ruled a city, and these cities were called “cities of Jephthah” and still exist in Gilead.
  • 5. After Jephte's death, he was buried in Camon.


  • 6. Again the Israelites did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. They served the gods of the Baals, the images of Ashtoreth, the gods of Aram, Sidon, Moab, the Ammonites and the Philistines. They turned away from the Lord and stopped worshiping Him.
  • 7. The anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and He delivered them into the hands of the Philistines and the Ammonites.
  • 8. These enemies oppressed and afflicted the Israelites for eighteen years. They ruled over all the Israelites who lived east of the Jordan, in the land of Gilead, inhabited by the Amorites.
  • 9. The Ammonites also crossed the Jordan and fought against Judah, Benjamin and the tribe of Ephraim, bringing great distress on Israel.
  • 10. Then the Israelites cried out to the Lord, confessing: “We have sinned against You, for we have forsaken our God and served the Baals!”
  • 11. The Lord answered, “When the Egyptians, Amorites, Ammonites, Philistines,
  • 12. the Sidonians, Amalekites and Maonites oppressed you, and you cried out to Me, I delivered you out of their hand.
  • 13. But now you have abandoned Me and served other gods. Therefore, I will no longer deliver them.
  • 14. Cry out to the gods you have chosen. May they free you in times of distress!”
  • 15. However, the Israelites, recognizing their error, said to the Lord: “We confess our sin. Do with us what you think is fair, but we ask you: deliver us now!”
  • 16. Then they abandoned the foreign gods that were among them and turned to worship the Lord. And the Lord could not bear the suffering of Israel.
  • 17. When the Ammonites were summoned and camped in Gilead, the Israelites gathered together and settled in Mizpah.
  • 18. The leaders of Gilead said to one another, “He who leads the charge against the Ammonites will be the leader of all the inhabitants of Gilead.”

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