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Leviticus, Chapter 27:


Verses from Leviticus, Chapter 27 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

Leviticus - Old Testament
Leviticus – Old Testament

Norms for consecrated things

  • 1. The LORD said to Moses:
  • 2. “Tell the Israelites: When someone makes a special vow, dedicating people to the LORD through an assessment,
  • 3. the evaluation will be as follows: the man aged twenty to sixty years old will be valued at fifty shekels of silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary.
  • 4. If you are a woman, the assessment will be thirty shekels.
  • 5. From five to twenty years, a man's valuation will be twenty shekels and a woman's valuation will be ten shekels.
  • 6. From one month to five years, a boy's valuation will be five shekels of silver and a girl's valuation will be three shekels of silver.
  • 7. From sixty years onwards, a man's valuation will be fifteen shekels and a woman's valuation will be ten shekels.
  • 8. If the person is poor and cannot pay the assessment, go before the priest, who will assess the person according to what the person can pay.
  • 9. “If the special vow is for an animal that is acceptable as an offering to the LORD, everything that a person dedicates to the LORD belongs to the LORD.
  • 10. You cannot replace or exchange an animal for an animal, nor a good animal for a bad animal; If someone replaces one animal with another, the original and the replacement will belong to the LORD.
  • 11. If the animal is unclean and cannot be presented as an offering to the LORD, the person will present the animal to the priest,
  • 12. who will evaluate whether the animal is good or bad. According to the priest's assessment, it will be as the priest decides.
  • 13. If the person wants to rescue the animal, they will pay the established amount, plus a fifth.
  • 14. “If anyone dedicates his house as a special vow to the LORD, the house will be considered as the priest evaluating.
  • 15. If the one who dedicated the house wants to redeem it, he will pay its established value, plus a fifth, and the house will be his.
  • 16. “If anyone dedicates part of the field he owns to the LORD, the valuation will be made according to the seed needed to sow it: fifty shekels of silver for each measure of barley seed.
  • 17. If he dedicates the field in the Year of Jubilee, it will be valued according to its established value.
  • 18. But if he dedicates the field after the Year of Jubilee, the priest will calculate the value according to the years remaining until the next Year of Jubilee, and the established value will be reduced.
  • 19. “If the one who dedicated the field wants to redeem it, he will pay its established value, plus a fifth, and the field will be his.
  • 20. If he does not redeem the field or if he sells it to someone else, he will no longer be able to redeem it.
  • 21. When the field is released in the Year of Jubilee, it will be considered dedicated to the LORD, as a consecrated field, and will belong to the priest.
  • 22. “If anyone dedicates to the LORD a field that he purchased and that is not part of his property,
  • 23. the priest will calculate the amount according to the number of years remaining until the Year of Jubilee, and the man will pay the amount on the same day, as something dedicated to the LORD.
  • 24. In the Year of Jubilee the field will return to the one from whom the man bought it, the one whose property is the field.
  • 25. All established value will be calculated by the shekel of the sanctuary, which has twenty geras.
  • 26. “No one can dedicate the first birth of the flock, because the first birth already belongs to the LORD; whether it is an ox or a sheep, it belongs to the LORD.
  • 27. But if it is an unclean animal, you can redeem it by paying its established value, plus a fifth. If not redeemed, it will be sold for the established value.
  • 28. “But no one can dedicate a field that he has already dedicated as something that belongs completely to the LORD, nor can he dedicate a family inheritance; for the field already belongs to the LORD.
  • 29. “No man dedicated as a holy man, such as those set apart for the LORD completely, can be redeemed; will be killed.
  • 30. “All the tithes of the land, whether of grain or fruit, belong to the LORD; are consecrated to the LORD.
  • 31. If anyone wants to redeem any of their tithes, they must add a fifth of its value.
  • 32. All the tithes of the herd or smaller herd, of everything that passes under the rod, the tenth shall be dedicated to the LORD.
  • 33. One should not select between good and bad, nor substitute one animal for another. If anyone replaces one animal with another, both the original and the replacement will belong to the LORD and cannot be redeemed.”
  • 34. These are the commandments that the LORD gave Moses for the Israelites on Mount Sinai.

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