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Where does the New Testament begin? The Gospel of Matthew!


Where does the New Testament begin? The New Testament begins with a book that marks the beginning of the story of the ministry of Jesus Christ and establishes the basis for the Christian faith

The author presents the genealogy, birth and teachings of Jesus, marking a new chapter in the history of redemption. Read with us and find out Where does the New Testament begin?, let's go! 

Where does the New Testament begin?

After all, where does the New Testament begin? The New Testament of the Bible begins with the Gospel according to Matthew. This book marks a significant transition in the narrative, presenting the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior, and laying the foundation for the development of the Christian faith.

The Gospel according to Matthew begins with a detailed genealogy, tracing Jesus' lineage from Abraham to Joseph, Mary's husband.


The narrative then focuses on the birth and childhood of Jesus, highlighting the miraculous events surrounding His coming into the world.

Throughout the book, Matthew presents Jesus' teachings, miracles and encounters with different people, revealing His power and divine authority.

Furthermore, Matthew records the famous Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus proclaims the beatitudes and offers profound teachings about ethics and the kingdom of God. The book culminates with the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus, central events in the Christian faith that guarantee salvation and eternal life for all who believe.

The Gospel according to Matthew is a rich and meaningful introduction to the New Testament, presenting Jesus as the promised Messiah and the beginning of a new era of redemption.

Through this book, readers are invited to delve into the story of the divine incarnation, understand the transformative teachings of Jesus, and respond to the gospel message with faith and devotion.

5 things we can learn from the Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew is a treasure trove of teachings that offers us a deep and comprehensive view of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Throughout this Gospel, we find a series of lessons and principles that continue to be relevant and impactful for our lives today. Here are five things we can learn from the Gospel of Matthew:

1. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies

From the beginning, Matthew emphasizes how the life and events in the life of Jesus align with Old Testament prophecies. He highlights how Jesus is the fulfillment of divine promises made to the patriarchs and prophets of the past.

This teaches us about God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises and how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of messianic hopes. Recognizing these connections shows us that the story of redemption is a plan carefully devised by God over time.

2. The authority and divinity of Jesus

Matthew portrays Jesus as one who possesses authority in both teachings and actions. He performs miracles, forgives sins, and teaches with authority, making it clear that He is the Son of God.

This lesson challenges us to recognize the divinity of Jesus and submit our lives to Him as Lord and Savior. Understanding the authority of Jesus empowers us to trust His teachings and guidance on our spiritual journey.

3. The ethics of the kingdom of God

The Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew 5-7, offers profound insight into the ethics of the kingdom of God. Jesus teaches about the beatitudes, love for others, the importance of justice and humility, as well as forgiveness and prayer.

These principles guide us in our daily relationships and interactions, encouraging us to live according to the values of the divine realm. The Sermon on the Mount challenges our conventional perspectives and directs us to live a life transformed by love and grace.

4. The global mission of the church

At the end of Matthew's Gospel, we find the Great Commission, where Jesus instructs His disciples to make disciples of all nations. This teaches us that the mission of the church is global and that we have a responsibility to share the gospel with the entire world.

The Great Commission motivates us to bring the message of salvation to all people, regardless of their culture, language or origin. By obeying this commission, we actively participate in expanding God’s kingdom on earth.

5. The sufficiency of Christ

Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, we see how Jesus meets the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those around Him. He feeds the hungry, heals the sick, calms the storms, and offers forgiveness to repentant sinners.

This teaches us that Christ is the answer to all our needs and that He is sufficient to guide, strengthen, and restore us in all areas of our lives.

Confident in His sufficiency, we can face life's challenges with hope and courage, knowing that He is with us in all circumstances.

New Testament - Seeds of Faith
New Testament – Seeds of Faith

These are just some of the many valuable lessons we can extract from the Gospel according to Matthew.

Through this book, we are invited to know Jesus more deeply, to embrace His ethic of love and compassion, to follow His authority as Lord, and to fulfill our mission of sharing the gospel with the world.

May the study of this Gospel inspire us to live lives transformed by the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. Do you understand better about where the New Testament begins and how this initial book of Matthew can add to our Christian life? We hope so. To the next!

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