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Proverbs, Chapter 18:


Verses from Proverbs Chapter 18 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament.
  • 1. The individual who seeks isolation is immersed in selfish interests and rebels against wisdom.
  • 2. The fool's lack of pleasure in understanding is evident, for he prefers only to express his own thoughts.
  • 3. Wickedness brings contempt, and dishonor brings shame.
  • 4. The words of men are like deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a brook overflowing with water.
  • 5. It is unjust to favor the wicked over the righteous, depriving them of receiving due justice.
  • 6. Foolish words create conflicts, and your conversations attract negative consequences.
  • 7. Foolish talk is a snare to a fool, bringing disaster to his soul.
  • 8. The words of a slanderer are like delicious morsels, which penetrate to the depths of a person's soul.
  • 9. He who neglects his work is compared to him who acts to destroy.
  • 10. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
  • 11. The wealth of the rich is like a fortified city, they consider it insurmountable like an impenetrable wall.
  • 12. Before the fall, the heart of man is filled with pride, but humility comes before honor.
  • 13. He who answers before listening is foolish and comes to shame.
  • 14. The spirit of a man sustains him in sickness: but who can restore a crushed spirit?
  • 15. The heart of the wise seeks knowledge, and their ears are always open to learning.
  • 16. The gift opens the way for the one who offers it and leads him to the presence of the great.
  • 17. He who presents his case first seems to be right, until another comes and contradicts him.
  • 18. Casting lots settles disputes and decides issues between the powerful.
  • 19. A brother who is offended is more unapproachable than a fortified city; disputes are like the locked gates of a citadel.
  • 20. A man eats the fruit of his mouth; the fruit of his lips satisfies him.
  • 21. The tongue has the power of life and death; those who use it will reap the fruits of their words.
  • 22. To find a wife is to obtain something excellent; it is a blessing granted by the Lord.
  • 23. The poor man begs for mercy, but the rich man answers harshly.
  • 24. He who has many friends may meet with ruin, but there is a friend who is more loyal than a brother.

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