Aguarde Carregando

Songs, Chapter 8:


Verses from Songs, Chapter 8 of the book of Songs of the Bible.

Songs - Old Testament.
Songs – Old Testament.
  • 1. Oh, if only you were like a brother to me, suckled at my mother's breast! If I met you on the street, I would kiss you, and no one would look down on me.
  • 2. I would take you and bring you to my mother's house, and you would instruct me. I would offer you spiced wine to drink, the juice of my pomegranates.
  • 3. Let your left arm be under my head, and your right arm around me.
  • 4. Women of Jerusalem, I encourage you to promise: Do not disturb or stir up love until it desires.
  • 5. Who is this that comes up from the desert, leaning on her beloved? The Beloved Under the apple tree, I woke him up; There his mother went into labor, there, the one who gave birth to him, suffered the pain.
  • 6. Keep me as a seal over your heart; like a seal upon your arm; for love is as powerful as death, and jealousy is as unshakable as the grave. Its embers are flames of fire, they are sparks of the Lord.
  • 7. The deepest waters cannot erase love; rivers cannot carry it with the current. If someone offered all the riches in their house to buy love, they would be completely rejected.
  • 8. We have a little sister; your breasts have not yet developed. What will we do with our sister the day she is asked to marry us?
  • 9. If it is a wall, We will build a tower of silver over it. If it is a door, we will reinforce it with cedar boards.
  • 10. I am a wall, and my breasts are its towers. Thus, I became in his eyes as one who provides peace.
  • 11. Solomon had a vineyard in Baal-Hamon; he rented out his vineyard to tenants. Each one had to bring twelve kilograms of silver for the fruits of the vineyard.
  • 12. My own vineyard, that is in my possession; the twelve kilos of silver are for you, O Solomon, and two and a half kilos are for those who took care of its fruits.
  • 13. You, who reside in the gardens, friends long to listen to you; allow me to hear your voice!
  • 14. Run quickly, my beloved, and be like a gazelle, or like a young deer leaping over the mountains full of spices.

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