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Songs, Chapter 3:


Verses from Songs, Chapter 3 of the book of Songs of the Bible.

Songs - Old Testament.
Songs – Old Testament.
  • 1. All night I looked for the one in my bed who my heart loves, but I did not find him.
  • 2. I will get up now and go through the city, I will go through its streets and squares; I will seek him whom my heart loves. I looked for him, but I didn't find him.
  • 3. The sentries found me when they were making their rounds in the city. “Have you seen the one my heart loves?” I asked.
  • 4. I had barely passed them, when I found the one whom my heart loves. I held him and did not let him go, until I brought him to my mother's house, to the room of her who conceived me.
  • 5. Women of Jerusalem, I make you swear by the gazelles and the deer of the field: Do not awaken or disturb love until it wants it.
  • 6. What comes rising from the desert, like a pillar of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and incense with extract of all the spices of the merchants?
  • 7. Look! It is Solomon's litter, escorted by sixty warriors, the noblest in Israel;
  • 8. They all carry a sword, they are all experienced in war, each one with his sword, prepared to face the terrors of the night.
  • 9. King Solomon made himself a litter; he made it from wood from Lebanon.
  • 10. His beams he made of silver; its roof, of gold. Its bench was upholstered in purple; its interior was carefully prepared by the women of Jerusalem.
  • 11. Women of Zion, come out! Come see King Solomon! He is wearing the crown, the crown that his mother placed on him on his wedding day, on the day that his heart rejoiced.

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