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Ruth, Chapter 4:


Verses from Ruth, Chapter 4 of the book of Ruth in the Bible.

Ruth - Old Testament
Ruth – Old Testament

Boaz marries Ruth

  • 1. Meanwhile, Boaz went up to the city gate and sat down, just as the rescuer he mentioned was passing by. Boaz called him and said, “My friend, come here and sit down.” The man went and sat down.
  • 2. Boaz called together the ten leaders of the city and said, “Sit here.” And they sat down.
  • 3. Then Boaz said to the redeemer, “Noemi, who returned from Moab, is selling the plot of land that belonged to our relative Elimelech.
  • 4. I thought I would bring this matter to your attention, before the leaders of the people, and suggest that you acquire the property. If you wish to rescue her, do so. If not, tell me so I know. For only you have that right; I’m next in line to succeed.” “I will rescue her,” replied the man.
  • 5. However, Boaz said to him, “On the day you acquire the property of Naomi and Ruth the Moabite, you will also have the responsibility to support the widow of the deceased, so that his name will not be erased from the inheritance.”
  • 6. Then the rescuer replied: “I cannot rescue her, as that would put my own property at risk. Do the rescue yourself; I can’t take on this responsibility!”
  • 7. (At that time, in Israel, to validate a ransom or a transfer of property, people would take off one sandal and give it to another. Thus, they sealed the deals in Israel.)
  • 8. When the rescuer said to Boaz, “Rescue her yourself!” he took off his sandal.
  • 9. Then Boaz announced to the leaders and to all the people there: “You are witnesses today that I am acquiring from Naomi all the property of Elimelech, Chiliom and Mahlon.
  • 10. I am also taking the Moabite Ruth, widow of Mahlon, as my wife, to preserve the name of the deceased in his inheritance and so that his name will not be erased from the midst of his family and the city. You are witnesses of this!”
  • 11. The leaders and everyone at the door confirmed: “We are witnesses! May the Lord make this woman who is entering your family to be like Rachel and Leah, who together gave rise to the tribes of Israel. May you be powerful in Ephrath and be famous in Bethlehem!
  • 12. And through the children that the Lord will give him from this woman, his family will be like that of Perez, whom Tamar bore for Judah!”

David's genealogy

  • 13. Boaz married Ruth, and she became his wife. He possessed her, and the Lord allowed her to become pregnant and give birth to a son.
  • 14. The women said to Naomi, “Praise be to the Lord, who has not left her without a rescuer today! May his name be exalted in Israel!
  • 15. This boy will bring new life to you and will support you in your old age, for he is the son of your daughter-in-law, who loves you and is more valuable to you than seven sons!”
  • 16. Naomi took the boy in her arms and took care of him.
  • 17. The women in the neighborhood celebrated her name and said, “Noemi has a son!” and they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David.
  • 18. This is the history of David's ancestors, from Perez: Perez begat Hezron;
  • 19. Hezron begat Ram; Ram begat Amminadab;
  • 20. Amminadab begat Nahshon; Nahshon begat Salmon;
  • 21. Salmon begat Boaz; Boaz fathered Obed;
  • 22. Obed begat Jesse; and Jesse begat David.

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