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Ruth, Chapter 3:


Verses from Ruth, Chapter 3 of the book of Ruth in the Bible.

Ruth - Old Testament
Ruth – Old Testament

Ruth and Boaz at the threshing floor

  • 1. One day, Naomi said to Ruth, her daughter-in-law: “My daughter, I need to find a safe home for you, where you can find happiness.
  • 2. Boaz, the lord of the land where you worked, is our close relative. Tonight he will be sifting barley on the threshing floor.
  • 3. Therefore, wash yourself, perfume yourself, put on your best clothes and go to the threshing floor. But don't let him notice your presence until he has eaten and drunk.
  • 4. When he goes to sleep, pay close attention to where he lies. Then go, uncover his feet and lie there. He will tell you what to do.”
  • 5. Ruth replied, “I will do everything you told me.”
  • 6. Then she went down to the threshing floor and did exactly as her mother-in-law had instructed her.
  • 7. When Boaz finished eating and drinking, he was satisfied and went to lie down next to the pile of grain. Ruth approached without being noticed, uncovered Boaz's feet and lay down there.
  • 8. In the middle of the night, Boaz woke up with a start. When he turned around, he was surprised to see a woman lying at his feet.
  • 9. “Who are you?” he asked. “I am Ruth, your servant,” she replied. “Spread your cloak over me, for you are our rescuer.”
  • 10. Boaz replied, “May the Lord bless you, my daughter! Your act of kindness is even greater than the first, as you could have gone after younger, richer men!
  • 11. Now, my daughter, do not be afraid. I will do for you whatever you ask of me, because everyone in our community knows that you are a virtuous woman.
  • 12. It is true that I am a rescuer, but there is another relative closer than me.
  • 13. Stay here tonight. In the morning we will see what he wants to do. If he's willing to rescue her, great. If not, I swear by the name of the Lord that I will rescue her myself. Stay here until morning.”
  • 14. Ruth lay at Boaz's feet until morning, but she got up before dawn so as not to be recognized. Boaz said, “I don’t want anyone to know you were here at the threshing floor.”
  • 15. Then he said, “Bring the robe you are wearing and hold it.” Ruth held him, and Boaz poured six measures of barley into her cloak and placed it over her shoulders. Then he returned to the city.
  • 16. When Ruth returned to her mother-in-law, Naomi asked, “How was it, my daughter?” Ruth told everything that Boaz had done for her,
  • 17. and added: “He gave me these six measures of barley, saying: 'Do not return to your mother-in-law empty-handed'”.
  • 18. Then Naomi said, “Wait, my daughter, until we see what will happen. Certainly, Boaz will not rest until he resolves this issue today.”

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