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Psalms, Chapter 148:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 148 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Hallelujah! From the heights of the heavens, let us praise the Lord, In the heights, let us lift our voices in praise!
  • 2. All his angels, with one voice, All his heavenly armies, in harmony praise God.
  • 3. Sun and moon, bright stars too, With heavenly joy they extol the name of the Lord.
  • 4. From the highest celestial spheres, Even the waters above the firmament, everyone cheers!
  • 5. He ordered and created, so it happened, His eternal, firm and immutable decree remained.
  • 6. He established them in their places, with wisdom and love, Forever and ever, glorifying the Creator.
  • 7. Praise the Lord, O inhabitants of the earth, Sea serpents and deep abysses, sing the most beautiful song.
  • 8. Lightning and hail, snow and fog, Gales that fulfill His desire, reveal His divine glory.
  • 9. Mountains and hills, bow down before the King, Fruit trees and cedars, all, praise in faith.
  • 10. Wild animals and gentle flocks, Winged creatures and living creatures, celebrate with joy.
  • 11. Kings of the earth and nations everywhere, Rulers and judges, honor the Lord with all your art.
  • 12. Young and old, all, hear the call, In unison, sing praises, do not be discouraged.
  • 13. Exalted be the name of the Lord, His majesty above the earth and the heavens shine.
  • 14. Grant power to His people with endless love, To Him, faithful, give praise, the Israelites, God's inheritance, Hallelujah!

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