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Psalms, Chapter 107:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 107 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good; Your love lasts forever.
  • 2. Let those whom the Lord rescued, whom He delivered from the hands of the adversary, say so.
  • 3. He gathered them together from different lands, from east and west, from north and south.
  • 4. They wandered through the desert and arid lands without finding an inhabited city.
  • 5. They were hungry and thirsty; his life was slipping away.
  • 6. In their distress, they cried out to the Lord, and he delivered them from the tribulation in which they found themselves.
  • 7. He led them along a safe path to an inhabited city.
  • 8. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast love and his wonderful works for men,
  • 9. because he quenches the thirsty and fully satisfies the hungry.
  • 10. They sat in darkness and in mortal shadow, afflicted, chained,
  • 11. for they rebelled against the words of God and despised the plans of the Most High.
  • 12. Therefore he subjected them to heavy labor; they stumbled, and there was no one to help them.
  • 13. In their distress, they cried out to the Lord, and he saved them from the tribulation in which they found themselves.
  • 14. He brought them out of darkness and deadly shadow and broke the chains that bound them.
  • 15. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast love and his wonderful works for men,
  • 16. because he broke the bronze doors in pieces and broke the iron bars.
  • 17. They became fools because of their rebellious ways, and suffered because of their wickedness.
  • 18. They were disgusted by all food and came close to death's door.
  • 19. In their distress, they cried out to the Lord, and he saved them from the tribulation in which they found themselves.
  • 20. He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from death.
  • 21. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast love and his wonderful works for men.
  • 22. Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and proclaim their works with songs of joy.
  • 23. They set out to sea in ships, to do business in the vast waters,
  • 24. and they saw the works of the Lord, his wonders in the depths.
  • 25. God spoke and caused a gale that raised the waves.
  • 26. They ascended to the heavens and descended into the abysses; In the face of such danger, they lost their courage.
  • 27. They staggered, dizzy as drunks, and all their skill was useless.
  • 28. In their distress, they cried out to the Lord, and he brought them out of the trouble they were in.
  • 29. He reduced the storm to a breeze and calmed the waves.
  • 30. The waves calmed down, they rejoiced, and God guided them to the desired port.
  • 31. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast love and his wonderful works for men.
  • 32. May they extol him in the assembly of the people and praise him in the assembly of the leaders.
  • 33. He turns the rivers into a desert and the springs into dry land,
  • 34. makes the fertile land barren because of the wickedness of its inhabitants.
  • 35. Turn the desert into springs and the parched land into springs.
  • 36. There he settles the hungry, to found a habitable city,
  • 37. sow crops, plant vineyards and reap a great harvest.
  • 38. He blesses them, and they multiply; and do not let your flocks diminish.
  • 39. But when they are reduced, they are humiliated with oppression, disgrace and sadness.
  • 40. God pours contempt on the nobles and makes them wander in a pathless desert.
  • 41. But he brings the poor out of poverty and increases their families like flocks.
  • 42. The righteous see all this and rejoice, but all the wicked are silent.
  • 43. Let the wise men reflect on this and consider the goodness of the Lord.

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