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Proverbs, Chapter 1:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 1 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament

Purpose and theme

  • 1. These are the proverbs of King Solomon, son of David, king of Israel.
  • 2. They will lead to wisdom and discipline, bringing understanding and discernment through their words;
  • 3. They will learn to live righteously, sensibly and justly, walking on the correct and straight path;
  • 4. They will help the inexperienced to acquire prudence, and the young, knowledge and common sense.
  • 5. He who hears wisely will increase his knowledge, and the discerning will obtain guidance for life;
  • 6. Thus, you will understand the proverbs, parables and riddles of the wise men.

Exhortations to Embrace Wisdom

  • 7. The beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
  • 8. Listen, my son, to your father's instruction, and do not despise your mother's teaching;
  • 9. They will be like precious ornaments for your head, a graceful adornment for your neck.
  • 10. My son, if evil people persuade you, do not give in to temptation;
  • 11. If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in ambush to kill someone; let us lie in wait for the innocent;
  • 12. Let us swallow them alive, as the grave consumes the dead; let us drag them into the pit whole;
  • 13. We will find all kinds of precious goods, we will fill our houses with the spoils;
  • 14. Join us, we will share everything we get equally!”
  • 15. My son, don't follow the path of these people! Turn your feet away from their evil path;
  • 16. For their feet run to do evil; always ready to spill blood.
  • 17. Just as it is useless to spread the net in the presence of birds, they do not realize that they are setting traps against themselves;
  • 18. They are self-destructive, like all greedy people, who destroy themselves through their own greed.
  • 19. Wisdom cries out loud in the streets, raises her voice in the crowded squares;

The danger of rejecting wisdom

  • 20. On noisy street corners she shouts, and at the entrances to cities she utters her teachings:
  • 21. “How long will they, inexperienced, love foolishness? And you mockers, how long will you delight in mockery? And you fools, how long will you despise knowledge?
  • 22. If you heed my rebuke, I will give you a spirit of wisdom and reveal my thoughts to you.
  • 23. Yet you rejected my exhortation and ignored all my warnings.
  • 24. For when I stretched out my hand, you did not respond; When I called, no one answered.
  • 25. They despised my advice and refused to accept my reproof.
  • 26. Therefore, I will laugh at the misfortune that will come upon you, and I will mock when what you fear comes upon you;
  • 27. When what they fear overtakes them like a storm, and misfortune hits them like a whirlwind, when anguish and pain overwhelm them.
  • 28. Then they will call me, but I will not answer; They will look for me, but they will not find me.
  • 29. Because they despised knowledge and refused the fear of the Lord.
  • 30. They would not accept my advice, and they ignored all my reproofs.
  • 31. They will reap the fruit of their conduct and be satisfied with their own machinations.
  • 32. For the inconstancy of the inexperienced will destroy them, and the false assurance of the foolish will annihilate them;
  • 33. But whoever listens to me will live in safety, and will be at ease, without fear of any evil.”

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