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Proverbs, Chapter 23:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 23 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. When you sit at the table with an important person, carefully observe who is in front of you.
  • 2. Control your voracious appetite, don't let yourself be carried away by excess desire.
  • 3. Do not be carried away by the delicacies offered, as they can be illusory and misleading.
  • 4. Don't try too hard to get rich; be sensible and balanced in your aspirations.
  • 5. Riches that fascinate quickly disappear; they grow wings and fly like eagles across the sky.
  • 6. Do not accept generosity from an envious person, nor desire the delicacies he offers;
  • 7. for his heart is worried about the cost, and he says, “Eat and drink!” but his words are not sincere.
  • 8. You will end up vomiting what you ate and lose your friendship in vain.
  • 9. Do not waste your time on fools, for they despise the wisdom of your words.
  • 10. Do not change the boundaries of old properties or invade the lands of orphans,
  • 11. for he who protects them is powerful; he will fight you in their defense.
  • 12. Open your heart to discipline and your ears to knowledge.
  • 13. Don't hesitate to correct a child; If you punish her with the rod, she will not die.
  • 14. Correct it yourself, carefully, and you will save it from destruction.
  • 15. My son, when your heart is wise, my heart rejoices.
  • 16. I will be filled with joy when your lips speak righteously.
  • 17. Do not envy sinners in your heart; It is better to always fear the Lord.
  • 18. If you do this, there will be a promising future and your hope will not be disappointed.
  • 19. Listen, my son, and be wise; guide your heart along the right path.
  • 20. Do not associate with those who drink excessively, nor with those who indulge in the pleasures of the flesh.
  • 21. For drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness covers them with rags.
  • 22. Obey your father who fathered you; Don't despise your mother when she grows old.
  • 23. Seek the truth and do not abandon it, as well as wisdom, discipline and discernment.
  • 24. The father of the righteous will rejoice, and he who has a wise son will rejoice.
  • 25. It will be a blessing if your father and mother rejoice, and may the woman who brought you into the world rejoice!
  • 26. My son, give me your heart and keep your eyes on my ways.
  • 27. For a prostitute is a deep trap, and an immoral woman is a narrow pit.
  • 28. She lies in wait like a robber, luring men into infidelity.
  • 29. Who suffered injuries and pain? Who lives in constant heartbreak? Who fights and has red eyes?
  • 30. Those who indulge in wine, who seek mixed drinks.
  • 31. Don't get carried away by wine when it's red, when it sparkles in the glass and flows smoothly!
  • 32. For in the end he will bite like a serpent, and poison like a viper.
  • 33. Your eyes will see strange things, and your imaginary mind will see distorted things.
  • 34. You will feel like someone sleeping at sea, like someone resting at the top of the mast.
  • 35. And he will say: “They beat me, but I didn't even feel it; They hit me, but I didn't notice! When will I wake up so I can drink once more?”

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