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Job, Chapter 32:


Verses from Job, Chapter 32 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then the three men stopped answering Job, for he considered himself righteous.
  • 2. However, Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was very angry with Job, because he justified himself before God.
  • 3. He was also angry with Job's three friends, because they did not find an adequate answer and, even so, they condemned Job.
  • 4. Elihu waited to speak to Job, since they were older than him.
  • 5. When he realized that the three men had no more words to respond, his anger flared.
  • 6. Then Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, spoke and said: “I am young, and you are old; Therefore, with fear and respect, I did not dare to expose my knowledge to you.
  • 7. I thought, 'Age must speak, years must teach wisdom.'
  • 8. However, it is the divine breath within man that makes him understand; it is the breath of the Almighty that makes him understand.
  • 9. Wisdom does not belong only to the elderly, nor are only the elderly capable of discerning what is right.
  • 10. Therefore I say to you: Listen to me; I too will expose what I know.
  • 11. I waited patiently while you spoke, I listened carefully to your considerations, while you searched for suitable words.
  • 12. I gave all my attention to your words, but none of you refuted Job, none of you challenged his arguments.
  • 13. Do not insist on saying, 'We have found wisdom; only God can condemn him, not man.'
  • 14. Job did not direct his words against me, and I will not answer him with your words.
  • 15. They are disconcerted, they have no answer; the words abandoned them.
  • 16. Should I then wait, as they have stopped speaking and have no arguments to present?
  • 17. I too will give my answer, I too will explain what I know,
  • 18. for I am full of words, and the spirit within me drives me.
  • 19. I feel as if the wine is about to overflow, like new wineskins ready to burst.
  • 20. I need to talk; it will ease me. I must open my lips and respond.
  • 21. I will not be biased or use flattery,
  • 22. for I am not skilled in flattery; otherwise my Creator would soon take me away.”

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