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Job, Chapter 26:


Verses from Job, Chapter 26 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Job replied:
  • 2. “What great help you have given to the weak! What help did you offer to the powerless arm!
  • 3 What wise advice you gave to one who lacks wisdom! How much knowledge you have revealed!
  • 4. Who helped you speak these words, and through what spirit did you speak?
  • 5. “The dead tremble beneath the waters, along with their inhabitants.
  • 6. The abode of the dead is naked before God; the Abyss has no veil.
  • 7. He stretches the north over the void, suspends the earth over nothingness.
  • 8. He binds the waters in his clouds, and they do not break under their weight.
  • 9. He covers the face of the full moon and spreads his clouds over it.
  • 10. He draws a boundary between light and darkness, on the horizon of the waters, as a border.
  • 11. The pillars of the heavens tremble and are perplexed at his rebuke.
  • 12. With his power he stirred the sea and, with his wisdom, he tore the Sea Monster to pieces.
  • 13. With his breath the heavens became clear; his hand struck the swift serpent.
  • 14. These are just the edges of your deeds; just a whisper of what we heard from him! Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of his power?”

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