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Job, Chapter 17:


Verses from Job, Chapter 17 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “My spirit is crushed, my days are numbered, the grave awaits me.
  • 2. The truth is that I am surrounded by mockers, and I have to endure their hostility.
  • 3. “Give me, O God, the guarantee you demand. Who besides you will give me security?
  • 4. For you have closed their understanding and will not give them victory.
  • 5. If someone betrays his friends out of greed, his children's eyes will fail.
  • 6. “I have been made a proverb for everyone, a man whose face they spit on.
  • 7. My eyes are clouded with sadness, my body is nothing more than a shadow.
  • 8. Upright men are astonished at this, and the innocent rise up against the wicked.
  • 9. However, the righteous remain firm in their path, and those with pure hands grow stronger and stronger.
  • 10. “But come, all of you, and try again! I will not find a single wise man among you.
  • 11. My days have passed, my plans have been thwarted, my heart's desires have gone.
  • 12. They try to turn the night into day, when they approach the darkness they say: 'The light is near'.
  • 13. But my only home is the grave, I spread my bed in darkness.
  • 14. I say to corruption, 'You are my father,' and to worms, 'You are my mother and my sister.'
  • 15. Where, then, is my hope? Who can see any hope for me?
  • 16. Will we go down to Sheol together? Will we find rest together in the dust?”

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