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Job, Chapter 39:


Verses from Job, Chapter 39 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  1. 1″Do you know when mountain goats give birth? Are you aware when the gazelle gives birth?
  2. 2Do you count the months until they give birth? Do you know when they have their offspring?
  3. 3They crouch down, give birth to their young, and their pain passes away.
  4. 4Their young grow up in the fields and become strong; They leave and never come back.
  5. 5″Who gave freedom to the wild donkey? Who released your bonds?
  6. 6I gave him the desert for his dwelling, the salt lands for his habitation.
  7. 7He despises the tumult of the city, he does not listen to the cries of the drivers.
  8. 8Wander through the mountains in search of pasture, looking for what is green.
  9. 9″Will the wild ox serve you? And will you spend the night next to your corral?
  10. 10Will you tie him with rope to plow the valley? Will you follow him to open ditches?
  11. 11Will you trust in him because of his strength? Will you hand over your hard work to him?
  12. 12Will you trust him to gather your wheat and bring it to his threshing floor?
  13. 13″The ostrich flaps its wings happily, but are the stork's wings and feathers like hers?
  14. 14She leaves her eggs on the ground and warms them in the dust;
  15. 15forget that a foot could crush them, that a wild beast could trample them.
  16. 16She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers; He doesn't care if all his efforts are in vain.
  17. 17For God deprived her of wisdom and gave her no understanding.
  18. 18But when she rises to fly, she laughs at the horse and its rider.
  19. 19″Are you the one who gives strength to the horse and dresses its neck with waving manes?
  20. 20Do you make him jump like a grasshopper, radiating terror with his proud snorting?
  21. 21He plows the earth impetuously, and rejoices in his strength, advancing against the weapons.
  22. 22He laughs at fear, he is not afraid; does not retreat before the sword.
  23. 23Over him laughs the quiver, the brightness of the spear and the javelin.
  24. 24Angrily he devours the ground; cannot wait for the sound of the trumpet.
  25. 25When he hears the trumpet, he neighs, 'Aha!' Smell the battle from afar, the cry of commanders and the clamor of war.
  26. 26″Is it through your wisdom that the hawk flies and spreads its wings towards the south?
  27. 27Is it at your command that the eagle soars and builds its nest on high?
  28. 28She lives in the cliffs and spends the night there; the rocky escarpment is your refuge.
  29. 29From there she seeks her prey; your eyes see from afar.
  30. 30Her young drink blood, and where there are dead, she is present.”

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