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Isaiah Chapter 8:


Verses from Isaiah 8 from the book of Isaiah in the Bible.

Isaiah - Old Testament.
Isaiah – Old Testament

Assyria - the instrument of the Lord

  • 1. The Almighty instructed me: “Take a large piece of parchment and inscribe on it clearly: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.
  • 2. And invite Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberekiah as trustworthy witnesses.”
  • 3. Then I joined the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a boy. The Lord commanded me: “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.
  • 4. For before the boy can call 'father' or 'mother,' the riches of Damascus and the treasures of Samaria will be plundered by the king of Assyria.”
  • 5. The Lord again addressed me:
  • 6. “Because this people forsook the still waters of Siloam, and rejoiced with Rezin and the son of Remaliah,
  • 7. the Lord will bring against them the turbulent and destructive waters of the Euphrates, the king of Assyria with all his might. They will go beyond your beds, they will cover all your banks
  • 8. and they will flood Judah, submerging it up to its neck. His outstretched arms will roam throughout your land, O Emmanuel!”
  • 9. Continue in your wickedness, O nations, and you will be ruined! Listen, distant lands: Even if you arm yourself for battle, you will be ruined! Yes, even if they arm themselves for battle, they will be ruined!
  • 10. Even if they create strategies, they will be useless; Even if they make plans, they will not succeed, because God is with us!
  • 11. The Lord spoke to me intensely, warning me not to follow the path of these people. He said:
  • 12. “Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; Do not fear what they fear, nor be dismayed.
  • 13. The Lord of hosts is the one you should revere, he is the one you should be afraid of, he is the one you should be terrified of.
  • 14. For the two kingdoms of Israel he will be a sanctuary, but also a stumbling block, a rock that causes them to fall. And to the inhabitants of Jerusalem he will be a snare and a trap.
  • 15. Many of them will stumble and fall and be crushed, trapped and captured.”
  • 16. Preserve the commandment with zeal and consecrate the law among my disciples.
  • 17. I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the lineage of Jacob. I will put my faith in him.
  • 18. Here I am with the children that the Lord has given me. In Israel, we are indicative and symbols of the Lord of Hosts, who resides on Mount Zion.
  • 19. When they say to you: “Seek a medium or someone who invokes spirits and whispers incantations, for everyone consults their gods and the dead for the benefit of the living,”
  • 20. answer: “To the law and the commandments!” If they do not speak according to this word, they will never see the light!
  • 21. Helpless and hungry they will roam the land; When they are hungry, they will become angry and, lifting up their eyes, will curse their king and their God.
  • 22. Then they will look at the earth and see only anguish, darkness and frightening darkness, and they will be thrown into deep darkness.

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