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Ecclesiastes, Chapter 6:


Verses from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 6 of the book of Ecclesiastes of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes - Old Testament
Ecclesiastes – Old Testament.
  • 1. I saw yet another desolate situation under the sun, which greatly oppresses humanity:
  • 2. God grants riches, goods and honor to human beings, so that they lack nothing that their eyes long for. However, God does not allow him to enjoy these achievements; instead, someone else enjoys them in their place. This is deeply distressing and unfair.
  • 3. An individual can have a hundred children and live for many years, but if he does not enjoy the good things in life, I maintain that a child who is born dead and does not even receive a proper burial is better off than he is.
  • 4. This child is born in vain and goes into darkness, and his name is forgotten in the shadows.
  • 5. Although she has never seen sunlight or experienced life, she has more rest than such a man.
  • 6. So, what good would it be for a human being to live two thousand years without enjoying his own prosperity? After all, everyone is heading towards the same destination.
  • 7. Every human effort is to satisfy their appetite, but even so, their hunger is never fully satisfied.
  • 8. What is the advantage of the wise over the foolish? And what is the advantage of the poor in knowing the wisdom of behavior in front of others?
  • 9. It is better to be content with what the eyes see than to dream of unattainable desires. This is also vanity, it is like chasing the wind.
  • 10. Everything that exists already has a name and we already know what a human being is; no one can face someone more powerful.
  • 11. The more words, the more futility, and nothing brings real benefit.
  • 12. Indeed, who can know what is good for a human being in the few days of his fleeting life, in which he passes like a shadow? Who can tell you what will happen under the sun after he leaves?

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