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Deuteronomy, Chapter 32:


Verses from Deuteronomy, Chapter 32 of the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible.

Deuteronomy - Old Testament
Deuteronomy – Old Testament

Moses climbs Mount Nebo

  • 1. Moses addressed all Israel and said:
  • 2. “I am one hundred and twenty years old and I can no longer lead them. The Lord said to me, 'You will not cross the Jordan.'
  • 3. But the Lord your God will go before you. He himself will destroy these nations before you, and you will take possession of their land. Joshua will go before you, as the Lord promised.
  • 4. The Lord will do to them the same as he did to Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites, whom he destroyed along with their lands.
  • 5. “Your children have acted corruptly
    towards him,
    and not as children;
    how embarrassing!
    They are a corrupt and depraved generation.
  • 6. This is how they repay the Lord,
    foolish and ignorant people?
    Is he not your Father, your Creator,
    who made and formed them?
  • 7. “Remember the days of old;
    consider the generations
    long ago.
    Ask your parents,
    and these will tell you,
    to your leaders, and they will explain it to you.
  • 8. When the Most High gave to the nations
    your inheritance,
    when he divided all humanity,
    established borders for the people
    according to the number
    of the children of Israel.
  • 9. For the Lord's favorite people
    It's these people,
    Jacob is the inheritance that fell to him.
  • 10. “In a desert land he found him,
    in an arid region with howling winds.
    He protected him and took care of him;
    kept it as
    the apple of your eye,
  • 11. like the eagle
    that awakens its brood,
    hovers over its young,
    and then spreads its wings
    to catch them,
    taking them over them.
  • 12. The Lord alone took him;
    no foreign god helped him.
  • 13. He made him ride
    in the high places of the earth
    and fed him with the fruit of the fields.
    He nourished him with honey taken from the rock,
    and with oil extracted
    from the stony cliff,
  • 14. with curd and milk
    of cattle and herds,
    and with fatted lambs and goats;
    with the best sheep from Bashan
    and with the most excellent
    wheat seeds.
    You drank the foamy
    blood from the grapes.
  • 15. “Jeshurun grew fat and kicked;
    you have gained weight, you have become heavy
    and full of food.
    He abandoned the God who made him
    and he rejected the Rock, which is his Savior.
  • 16. They made you jealous
    because of foreign gods,
    and provoked him
    with their abominable idols.
  • 17. They sacrificed to demons
    who are not God,
    to gods they did not know,
    to gods who have recently emerged,
    to gods that their ancestors
    they didn't love it.
  • 18. You have abandoned the Rock,
    who begat them;
    you forgot the God
    that gave birth to them.
  • 19. “The Lord saw this and rejected them,
    because it was provoked
    for their sons and their daughters.
  • 20. 'I will hide my face from them,' he said,
    'and I will see what end they will have;
    for they are a perverse generation,
    unfaithful children.
  • 21. They made me jealous
    with what is not even god
    and they irritated me
    with your useless idols.
    I will make them jealous
    of those who are not my people;
    I will provoke them to anger
    through a foolish nation.
  • 22. For a fire was kindled by my anger,
    fire that will burn
    to the depths of Sheol.
    He will devour the land and its crops
    and will consume the foundations of the mountains.
  • 23. “‘I will heap misfortunes upon them
    and against them I will spend my arrows.
  • 24. I will send teeth of wild beasts,
    a devastating famine,
    an overwhelming plague
    and a deadly plague;
    I will send against them
    wild animal teeth,
    and viper venom
    that drag themselves in the dust.
  • 25. In the streets the sword
    will leave them childless;
    terror will reign in their homes.
    Young men and women will die,
    children and gray-haired men.
  • 26. I said I would scatter them
    and that would erase humanity
    their memory.
  • 27. But I feared the provocation of the enemy,
    that the opponent misunderstood
    and said: “Our hand has triumphed;
    the Lord did nothing.”'
  • 28. “It is a nation without judgment
    and without discernment.
  • 29. If only they were wise
    and understood;
    and understand what their end will be!
  • 30. How could one man
    chase a thousand,
    or two put ten thousand to flight,
    unless your Rock
    had sold them,
    unless the Lord
    had abandoned them?
  • 31. For their rock
    is not like our Rock,
    with what even
    our enemies agree.
  • 32. Their vineyard is from Sodom
    and the fields of Gomorrah.
    Your grapes are full of poison,
    and his curls, of bitterness.
  • 33. Their wine
    is the venom of serpents,
    the deadly venom of snakes.
  • 34. “'Did I not keep this secret?
    Have I not sealed it in my treasures?
  • 35. Revenge belongs to me
    and retribution.
    In due time
    their feet will slip;
    the day of your doom is coming
    and your own destiny
    rushes upon them.'
  • 36. “The Lord will defend his people
    and will have compassion on his servants,
    when you see that their strength is gone
    and that no one is left,
    neither slave nor free.
  • 37. He will say:
    'Now where are your gods,
    the rock in which they took refuge,
  • 38. the gods who ate
    the fat of their sacrifices
    and drank the wine
    of your poured offerings?
    May they rise up to help them!
    May they offer you shelter!
  • 39.” 'See now that I am the only one,
    There is no God but me.
    I make people die and I make people live,
    I will wound and I will heal,
    and no one is capable
    to get rid of my hand.
  • 40. I raise my hand to the heavens
    and I declare:
    I swear on my name that,
  • 41. when I sharpen
    my shining sword
    and my hand will wield it to judge,
    I will take revenge on my adversaries
    and I will repay those who hate me.
  • 42. I will soak my arrows
    in blood,
    while my sword devours flesh:
    the blood of the dead and of the captives,
    the heads of enemy leaders'.
  • 43. “Sing for joy, O nations,
    with his people,
    because he will avenge
    the blood of his servants;
    will repay with vengeance
    to your opponents
    and will make propitiation
    for his land and for his people.”
  • 44. Moses came with Joshua son of Nun and recited all the words of this song in the presence of the people.
  • 45. When Moses finished reciting all these words to all Israel,
  • 46. He said to them, “Keep in your hearts all the words that I solemnly declared to you today, so that you may command your children to faithfully obey all the words of this law.
  • 47. They are not useless words. They are your life. Through them you will live a long time in the land that you will take possession of on the other side of the Jordan.”

Moses climbs Mount Nebo

  • 48. That same day, the Lord said to Moses:
  • 49. “Go up to the mountains of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, in Moab, opposite Jericho, and look at Canaan, the land that I give to the Israelites as their possession.
  • 50. There, on the mountain you have climbed, you will die and be reunited with your ancestors, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was reunited with his ancestors.
  • 51. So it will be because you two were unfaithful to me in the presence of the Israelites, at the waters of Meribah, in Kadesh, in the desert of Zin, and because you did not uphold my holiness among the Israelites.
  • 52. Therefore, you will only see the land from a distance, but you will not enter the land that I am giving to the people of Israel.”

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