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2 Chronicles, Chapter 9:


Verses from 2 Chronicles, Chapter 9 of the book of 2 Chronicles of the Bible.

2 Chronicles - Old Testament
2 Chronicles – Old Testament

The visit of the Queen of Sheba

  • 1. The queen of Sheba heard about Solomon's fame and went to Jerusalem to test him with challenging questions. Arriving with her large entourage, laden with spices, gold and precious stones, she went to Solomon and presented all the questions she had in mind.
  • 2. Solomon answered all the questions without difficulty, there was nothing he could not answer.
  • 3. As he contemplated the wisdom of Solomon and saw the magnificent palace he had built,
  • 4. the food on her table, the organization of her officers, the servants and cupbearers, all impeccably dressed, and the burnt offerings offered in the temple of the Lord, she was impressed.
  • 5. Then she said to the king: “Everything I heard about your achievements and wisdom in my country was true.
  • 6. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. Indeed, half the greatness of his wisdom was not revealed to me; You far surpass what I heard.
  • 7. How happy are the men of your court, who are constantly before you, listening to your wisdom!
  • 8. Blessed be the Lord your God, who took pleasure in you and placed you on the throne to reign for the Lord your God. Because of your God’s love for Israel and your desire to keep them forever, you were made king to rule with justice and righteousness.”
  • 9. She presented King Solomon with four thousand two hundred kilos of gold, as well as a large quantity of spices and precious stones. Never before had so many and such precious spices been seen as those that the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
  • 10. (Hiram and Solomon's sailors brought gold from Ophir, as well as juniper wood and precious stones.
  • 11. With the wood, the king made the stairs of the temple of the Lord and the royal palace, as well as harps and lyres for the musicians. Never before had anything like it been seen in Judah.)
  • 12. King Solomon granted the Queen of Sheba everything she desired and asked for, far surpassing what she had brought to him. Then she and her servants returned to their country.

Solomon's Magnificence

  • 13. The weight of the gold that Solomon received annually was twenty-three thousand three hundred kilos,
  • 14. beyond what the merchants and traders brought. Also the kings of Arabia and the rulers of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.
  • 15. King Solomon made two hundred large shields of beaten gold, using three kilograms and six hundred grams of gold in each of them.
  • 16. He also made three hundred small shields of beaten gold, with one kilogram and eight hundred grams of gold in each, and placed them in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon.
  • 17. The king ordered the making of a large ivory throne, overlaid with pure gold.
  • 18. The throne had six steps and a golden platform fixed to it. On each side of the seat, there were armrests with a lion next to each one.
  • 19. Twelve lions stood on the six steps, one on each side. No other kingdom had done anything similar.
  • 20. All of King Solomon's cups and utensils were made of gold, as were all the objects in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon. There was no silver, for silver was worthless in Solomon's day.
  • 21. The king had a fleet of merchant ships manned by King Hiram's sailors. Every three years, the fleet returned, bringing gold, silver, ivory, monkeys and peacocks.
  • 22. King Solomon was the richest and wisest of all the kings of the earth.
  • 23. Everyone sought to have an audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom that God had given him.
  • 24. Year after year, all visitors brought gifts: silver and gold utensils, clothes, weapons, spices, horses and mules.
  • 25. Solomon had four thousand stables for horses and chariots, besides twelve thousand horses, of which he kept some in the cities designated for the horses and the other part in Jerusalem, near him.
  • 26. He ruled over all the kings, from the Euphrates to the land of the Philistines and to the border of Egypt.
  • 27. Silver became as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as abundant as fig trees in the plain.
  • 28. Solomon's horses were imported from Egypt and other countries.

Solomon's death

  • 29. The other events of Solomon's reign, from the beginning to the end, are recorded in the chronicles of the prophet Nathan, in the prophecies of the Shilonite Ahijah and in the visions of the seer Iddo concerning Jeroboam, son of Nebat.
  • 30. Solomon reigned in Jerusalem for forty years over all Israel.
  • 31. Then he rested with his ancestors and was buried in the City of David his father. And his son Rehoboam was his successor.

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