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1 Chronicles, Chapter 17:


Verses from 1 Chronicles, Chapter 17 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

1 Chronicles - Old Testament
1 Chronicles – Old Testament

God's Promise to David

  • 1. When King David was already installed in his palace, he expressed to the prophet Nathan: “I am living in a palace of cedar, while the ark of the covenant of the Lord remains in a tent.”
  • 2. Nathan answered David, “Do what is in your heart, for God is with you.”
  • 3. That same night, God spoke to Nathan and said:
  • 4. “Go and tell my servant David: This is what the Lord says: It is not you who will build me a house to dwell in.
  • 5. From the day I brought Israel out of Egypt until this day, I have not lived in a house, but have wandered in a tent and in a tabernacle.
  • 6. In all the places where I have gone with all Israel, I have asked one of the leaders of Israel, whom I appointed to shepherd my people: Why didn't you build me a house of cedar?
  • 7. Now therefore say to my servant David: Thus says the Lord of hosts: I took you from the pasture of sheep to be sovereign over my people Israel.
  • 8. Wherever you have gone, I have been with you and eliminated all your enemies from before you. I will make your name as great as the names of the greatest on earth.
  • 9. I will prepare a place for my people Israel and plant them there, so that they will have a safe place and will no longer be disturbed. The wicked will no longer oppress you as they did before,
  • 10. from the time I appointed judges over my people Israel. I will also subdue all your enemies. Furthermore, I declare to you that the Lord will establish a dynasty for you.
  • 11. When the end of your days comes and you are united with your ancestors, I will choose one of your descendants to succeed you, a son of yours, and I will establish your kingdom.
  • 12. He will build me a temple, and I will establish his throne forever.
  • 13. I will be a father to him, and he will be my son. I will never withdraw my love from him, as I did with the one before him.
  • 14. I will establish him as king over my people and over my kingdom forever; his throne will be established forever.”

David's Prayer

  • 15. Nathan conveyed to David all these words and visions that he had received from the Lord.
  • 16. Then King David entered the presence of the Lord, sat before him and prayed:
  • 17. “Who am I, Lord God, and who is my family that You have brought me here?
  • 18. And this was little in your eyes, O God, for you also spoke about the future of your servant's family and extended it to distant times. You have treated me as someone of great importance, O Lord God.
  • 19. What more can I say? You know your servant, O Lord.
  • 20. Because of your promise and according to your will, you did all these great things and revealed them to your servant.
  • 21. What other nation is there on earth like your people Israel, whom God went to redeem to be his own people, performing great deeds and wonders in driving out nations from before your people, whom you redeemed from Egypt?
  • 22. You have made your people Israel your own nation forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.
  • 23. And now, Lord, may the promise you made concerning your servant and his descendants be fulfilled forever. Do as you promised,
  • 24. so that your name may be magnified forever and people will say, 'The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, is the God of Israel!' May the family of your servant David be established in your presence.
  • 25. You, O my God, have revealed to your servant that you will build him a house. Therefore, your servant found the courage to pray this prayer to you.
  • 26. Now, Lord, you are God! You promised your servant good things.
  • 27. Now, in your kindness, bless the family of your servant, so that they may continue in your presence forever; for, O Lord, you have blessed him, and your blessing will be upon his descendants forever.”

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