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Social worker vacancies: salaries exceed 3 thousand per month!


Social Worker Jobs They are widely available, mainly in municipal bodies or bodies linked to the Federal Government, such as the Guardianship Council or in the legal environment. Therefore, they pay well and have great career plans.

But, how to find and what types of social worker vacancies? Today we will see more about the subject, including the requirements necessary to work in the area. Read with us!

Requirements to work in social worker vacancies

To work in social worker positions, it is essential to have specific academic training in the area. Requirements include obtaining a bachelor's degree in Social Work recognized by accredited educational institutions.

Training in this discipline provides theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to understand the complexities of social issues, develop intervention skills and promote positive changes in the lives of the people served.


In addition to graduation, many employers value practical experience through supervised internships during the course.

This experience offers candidates the opportunity to apply theories learned in real-world contexts and develop skills for working with clients in diverse social situations.

Those who wish to pursue a career as a social worker can also pursue specializations or postgraduate degrees in specific areas, such as mental health, child and family assistance, or public policy.

Staying up to date with professional regulations and ethics is crucial to ensuring effective and ethical practice as a social worker.

Places with social worker vacancies

Vacancies for social workers can be found in a variety of locations, spanning both the public and private sectors. Among the most common locations, the following stand out:

Government agencies

Government sectors, such as social assistance, health and education departments, often hire social workers to work on community service programs and projects.

Hospitals and health clinics

Healthcare institutions seek social workers to provide support to patients and their families by dealing with emotional issues, referrals to resources, and coordinating aftercare.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

NGOs dedicated to social issues, human rights and assistance to vulnerable groups often have opportunities for social workers, whether directly providing services or coordinating projects.

Schools and educational institutions

Educational sectors employ social workers to support students and families in challenging situations, promoting an inclusive and equitable educational environment.

Private companies

Some companies, especially those with corporate social responsibility, may hire social workers to manage internal wellness programs, handle human resources issues, and promote a healthy work environment.

Rehabilitation and reception centers

Institutions that deal with rehabilitation, child and elderly care, as well as recovery centers often seek social workers to support residents.

It is important to explore opportunities in different sectors and pay attention to vacancies posted on job sites, government portals, and professional networks to find the position that best aligns with your interests and specializations in the area of Social Work.

What is the salary for social worker jobs?

Salaries for social workers vary significantly based on location, experience, industry, and educational level.

Nationally, the average salary is approximately R$ 3,500 to R$ 6,000 per month for professionals with entry-level experience.

However, it is important to note that these values may be higher in metropolitan regions and in specific sectors, such as government agencies, hospitals and non-governmental organizations.

It is essential to consider that, in addition to the base salary, benefits, such as health insurance, food vouchers and various assistance, also contribute to the social worker's total remuneration.

The search for certifications, specializations and additional experience can positively impact earnings throughout your career.

Is it worth working as a social worker?

Yes, many professionals believe that working as a social worker is worth it because of the opportunity to make a significant difference in people's lives.

This career provides the chance to help individuals and communities address social challenges, promote equality and defend human rights.

Work as a social worker is rewarding because it involves making meaningful connections with people, providing emotional support, guidance and practical resources.

Additionally, the diversity of work environments, including hospitals, schools, NGOs and government agencies, offers a range of opportunities for specialization and professional growth.

For those who value social advocacy and community service, a career as a social worker can be deeply satisfying.

Social worker vacancies - Sementes da Fé
Social worker vacancies – Sementes da Fé

In short, searching for social worker positions requires the appropriate educational background, including a bachelor's degree in social work, as well as an understanding of the specific requirements of each position. Job opportunities can be found in various sectors, from government agencies to healthcare institutions, NGOs and schools.

As for salaries, they vary widely depending on location and level of experience, but many find that the intrinsic benefits of the career, such as the opportunity to make a significant difference in people's lives and promote social equality, make working as a social worker gratifying.

Therefore, for those who are willing to dedicate themselves to serving the community and defending human rights, a career as a social worker can be a rewarding and meaningful choice. To the next!

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