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Who Created the March for Jesus? A Historical and Spiritual Inquiry


The March for Jesus is an event that draws the attention of millions of people in different countries.

Who created the march for Jesus? - Seeds of Faith
Who created the march for Jesus? – Seeds of Faith

The streets are filled with faith, songs and preaching, forming a wave of adoration and exaltation of the name of Jesus Christ.

But have you ever asked yourself “Who created the March for Jesus?” In this article, we will explore the origins of this impactful religious event, understand why it was created and uncover other relevant aspects about it.

The Origin of the March

The March for Jesus was created in the city of London, United Kingdom, at the initiative of two renowned religious leaders: pastor Roger Forster and evangelist Lynn Green.


They realized that a public, collective way of expressing their faith could serve as an impactful means of spreading the Gospel message.

The Purpose Behind the March

The central idea behind the creation of the March for Jesus is to promote unity between different Christian denominations and evangelize the public.

This happens through music, testimonies and biblical messages that seek to rescue the centrality of Jesus Christ in the contemporary religious scenario.

Interestingly, many people who are part of this movement also ask themselves “When was Jesus born?” as a way to connect even more deeply with the meaning of the march.

Global Expansion and Impact

The success of the first edition of the march in London paved the way for the event to become international.

Currently, the March for Jesus takes place in various parts of the world, including in Brazil, where it is one of the largest religious events of its kind.

This global expansion highlights the unifying and evangelizing power of this initiative.

Criticisms and Challenges

Despite its immense success and impact, the March for Jesus is not exempt from criticism.

Some voices question whether the march would not be a form of aggressive proselytism or whether it would end up trivializing the gospel.

However, organizers and participants continue to defend the relevance of the march as a space for expressing faith and as an effective tool for evangelism.


The March for Jesus was an initiative created by visionary religious leaders who saw the need for a collective and public expression of the Christian faith.

Its growth and global impact are a testament to the human need for spiritual connection and the constant search for answers to eternal questions such as “When was Jesus born?”

The march continues to be an event that brings millions together in an act of faith and worship, showcasing the strength and unity of the body of Christ throughout the world.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who are the founders of the March for Jesus?

The founders of the March for Jesus are pastor Roger Forster and evangelist Lynn Green.

They kicked off the event in London, United Kingdom.

Why was the March for Jesus created?

The March for Jesus was created with the aim of promoting unity between different Christian denominations and evangelizing the public through music, testimonies and biblical messages.

When and where did the first March for Jesus take place?

The first March for Jesus took place in the city of London, United Kingdom, in the late 1980s.

Is the March for Jesus a global event?

Yes, the March for Jesus has become a global event that takes place in various parts of the world, including Brazil, where it is one of the largest religious events of its kind.

Does the March for Jesus face criticism?

Yes, despite its impact and importance, the march also faces criticism.

Some question whether it would be a form of aggressive proselytism or whether it trivializes the gospel.

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