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Redemption Hill: Where Jesus was crucified


The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is, without a doubt, one of the most significant events in the history of humanity - See More...

Where Jesus Was Crucified - Seeds of Faith
Where Jesus was Crucified – Seeds of Faith

The consequences of this act transcend religious, cultural and even temporal boundaries.

Although the reasons, methods and people involved are of indisputable importance, the place where this crucifixion took place holds a special fascination for both believers and scholars.

After all, where did this transformative event that is central to the Christian faith occur? Prepare to embark on a deep and spiritual journey through the history and mysteries surrounding the hill where the Savior was crucified.


The Hill That Saw the Savior Suffer: The True Location of Golgotha

Anyone who has ventured through the pages of the New Testament knows that Jesus was crucified in a place known as Golgotha, or Calvary in Latin.

This was a place outside the city walls of Jerusalem, apparently close enough for the event to be seen by passersby and local people.

The exact location of Golgotha is a matter of intense debate, with various theories and archaeological excavations attempting to shed light on the mystery.

Some claim that the true location would be where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is located today, while others believe that it would be in different, more distant locations.

The fact is that, regardless of where exactly in Jerusalem Jesus was crucified, that place became sacred, a ground where the divine and the human met in a raw and redemptive way.

The Divine Clock: The Moment of Crucifixion

Along the way of our spiritual journey, knowing when this event happened is also crucial.

Traditionally, it is believed that Jesus was crucified during the Jewish Passover, probably in AD 30 or 33.

This makes us think: When was Jesus born? The context of this date takes us to the divine calendar, a celestial clock meticulously adjusted to fulfill prophecies and change the history of humanity.

The Weight of a World: Why Was Jesus Crucified?

As we delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding the sacred hill, we are compelled to ponder the reason for Jesus' crucifixion.

Accused by Jewish authorities of blasphemy and posing a threat to the Roman regime, Jesus was sentenced to death after a controversial trial. His “crime”? Preach love, justice and proclaim yourself as the Son of God.

His sentence was given not only by Pontius Pilate, but also by the ignorance and fear that clouded the reason and discernment of those who felt threatened by His transformative message.

Among Thieves: Jesus' Companions in Misfortune

No less moving is the story of the two thieves who were crucified alongside Jesus.

Their names may not have been recorded for posterity, but their souls certainly were.

While one of them mocked, the other repented and found redemption alongside the Savior.

This is the magnificent power of Jesus: even in His final moments of agony, He offered love and redemption.

The Hands That Lifted the Cross: Who Are Responsible?

We often ask ourselves: Who, after all, crucified Jesus? Was it Pontius Pilate? Was it the Roman soldiers? Was it the Jewish religious leaders? The answer is complex and multifaceted.

The event was the result of an intricate game of interests and beliefs, where religion and politics were inseparably intertwined.

Ultimately, the crucifixion became a collective action involving multiple parties, all contributing in some way to this transformative event.

Conclusion: Eternal Hope on Redemption Hill

It is almost impossible not to feel a spiritual shiver when reflecting on the hill where Jesus was crucified.

It is not just a geographic location, but an eternal marker of the human capacity for good and evil, a symbol of redemption and hope.

As we uncover the circumstances of the crucifixion, we also turn our gaze to the future, to the The return of Jesus.

In this scenario, Calvary teaches us that even in the darkest hours, the light of redemption can shine for all who are willing to see.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the exact location of Jesus' crucifixion?

The exact location where Jesus was crucified is a matter of debate among scholars and theologians.

According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified on a hill outside the walls of Jerusalem known as Golgotha or Calvary.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is one of the sites proposed as a possible location, but this is not conclusive.

In what year was Jesus crucified?

It is believed that Jesus was crucified during the Jewish Passover, probably in AD 30 or 33.

The exact date is not known with certainty, but most scholars agree that it happened within that time frame.

Why was Jesus crucified?

Jesus was crucified because he was seen as a threat to both the Jewish authorities and the Roman government.

He was accused of blasphemy and sedition, leading to his death sentence by crucifixion.

Who was crucified next to Jesus?

According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified between two thieves or evildoers.

Although their names are not mentioned, they are a significant part of the narrative, showing Jesus' mercy even in his last moments.

Who ordered Jesus' crucifixion?

Jesus was crucified on the orders of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea at the time.

However, it is important to note that the Jewish authorities also played a role, as they were the ones who initially arrested Jesus and brought him to Pilate.

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