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When will Jesus return? A complete guide on your return!


When will Jesus return? The expectation of Jesus' return has been a topic of great interest and speculation for centuries.

When will Jesus return? - Seeds of Faith
When will Jesus return? – Seeds of Faith

Since biblical times, interpretations and theories have emerged about when the second coming of Christ will occur. 

For Christians, this event represents the final consummation of the divine plan and the final judgment. 

However, the question of “when will Jesus return” remains shrouded in mystery. Different theological currents and interpretations of Scripture present different views on the subject. 


In this text, we will explore the historical perspectives and the main religious interpretations of the second coming of Jesus, seeking to better understand this expectation and its implications, discover with us When will Jesus return!

When will Jesus return? 

The question of when Jesus will return is one of the biggest unknowns of the Christian faith.

Since biblical times, Christians have longed for the second coming of Christ, awaiting the final fulfillment of divine promises. 

However, throughout history, different interpretations and theories have emerged about the timing and circumstances of this long-awaited event. 

Within Christianity, there are several theological currents with different views on the subject.

Some currents adopt a literal interpretation of biblical prophecies, seeking to identify signs and events that would indicate the imminence of Jesus' return. 

Other approaches emphasize a more symbolic and spiritual perspective, seeing the second coming as a reality present in the life and experience of the believer.

Despite speculation and varied interpretations, the truth is that the exact date of Jesus' return remains unknown. 

The Bible itself states that “concerning that day and hour no one knows” (Matthew 24:36).

The emphasis, then, lies on constant preparation, living the faith and practicing the teachings of Jesus, regardless of when this event will occur. 

While we wait to find out when Jesus will return, the central message of Christianity remains valid: loving God and others, living a life of righteousness and justice, sharing the gospel and seeking personal and social transformation. 

Therefore, the focus should not be so much on temporal speculations, but on living a life according to the principles of the Kingdom of God.

How will Jesus return according to the Bible? 

It is not possible to know when Jesus will return, but how will he return? The exact way in which Jesus will return, according to the Bible, is a topic addressed in a symbolic and prophetic way.

Different biblical passages and books offer varying views on this eschatological event. 

The main description is found in Matthew 24 and 25, known as the Olivet Discourse. 

Jesus talks about signs that will precede his second coming, such as natural disasters. He also mentions that his return will be visible and glorious. 

Other biblical passages, such as 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, talk about the resurrection of the dead and the rapture of the faithful, who will be transformed and reunited with the Lord in the air. 

Despite the symbolic descriptions, the Bible emphasizes that Jesus' second coming will be a real, physical event.

Jesus will return in his glorified body, visible to all, and will establish the Kingdom of God definitively.

What will happen when Jesus returns?

The second coming of Jesus is an event expected by Christians, as it will bring with it a series of events and fulfill divine promises.

According to the Bible, when Jesus returns, several transformations and judgments will occur. 

One of the main beliefs is the resurrection of the dead, where the bodies of believers will be transformed into glorified, incorruptible and immortal bodies. Those who are alive will be equally transformed. 

Furthermore, there will be the final judgment, where all people will appear before God to give an account of their lives.

Believers will be rewarded with eternal life in the Kingdom of God, while the wicked will face eternal punishment. 

The Bible also mentions the restoration and renewal of creation, where there will be a new heaven and a new earth, free from sin and corruption.

God's presence will be full and all tears will be wiped away. 

The second coming of Jesus will bring the final consummation of God's plan, bringing justice, reconciliation and complete redemption.

It is an event of hope and joy for believers, as it means the fulfillment of the promises of salvation and eternal glorification in the presence of God.

What does the verse “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” mean? 

When will Jesus return? The verse “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:2, and refers to the second coming of Jesus. The phrase illustrates the surprise and unpredictability of this event. 

Just like a thief who arrives unexpectedly and suddenly during the night, Jesus' return will occur in a surprising way for those who are not vigilant and attentive to the signs. 

This metaphor highlights the importance of constant preparation and spiritual readiness.

Christians are encouraged to live in expectation of Christ's return, living according to his teachings and remaining vigilant in their faith. 

The objective is to avoid being caught off guard and being surprised by the final judgment.

This verse serves as a reminder for believers to always be ready for the coming of Jesus, maintaining a life of righteousness and serving God and others. 

It is an invitation to spiritual vigilance, so that the day of the Lord does not find us unprepared, but finds us living in accordance with God's will.

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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ)

“What is the general opinion about Jesus’ return?”

General opinion varies among different religious and theological groups.

For Christians, the return of Jesus is a fundamental belief and is awaited as a future event that will bring about the consummation of divine purposes.

“Is there a specific date set for Jesus’ return?”

There is no specific date set for Jesus' return mentioned in Christian scriptures.

In fact, the Bible mentions that no one knows the day or hour when Jesus will return, not even Jesus himself, but it is an event awaited by Christians as part of their faith.

What does the Bible say about Jesus' return?

The Bible talks about Jesus' return in different passages, such as in Matthew 24, where Jesus talks about the signs that will precede his return and in Revelation, which describes Jesus' return as a glorious and final event.

These passages are interpreted in various ways by different theological traditions.

“What are the signs that precede the return of Jesus, according to biblical interpretation?”

Various interpretations are found in the scriptures and in different theological currents.

Some frequently mentioned signs include wars and conflicts, false prophets, earthquakes and natural disasters, increasing wickedness and the love of money, as well as the preaching of the gospel throughout the world.

It is important to remember that the interpretation of these signs may vary.

“How should Christians prepare for Jesus’ return?”

Christians are encouraged to live in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, loving God and others, practicing justice, forgiveness and compassion.

Additionally, prayer, scripture study, and fellowship with other Christians are considered important aspects of spiritual preparation.

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