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When was Jesus Resurrected?


It is an honor to introduce one of the most significant and fundamental topics of the Christian faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

When was Jesus Resurrected? - Seeds of Faith
When was Jesus Resurrected? – Seeds of Faith

The resurrection is not only a landmark historical event, but it is the beating heart of the Christian message and the cornerstone of our eternal hope.

But when exactly was Jesus resurrected? And why did He have to go through this?

In this article, we will delve deeper into these questions, and also consider other question marks, such as #Where was Jesus born?# and #Who is Jesus?#.


The Moment of Jesus' Resurrection

According to biblical accounts, Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day after his crucifixion.

The crucifixion event took place on Good Friday and the resurrection is celebrated by Christians on Easter Sunday.

It is important to highlight that the counting of days in Jewish culture at the time began at sunset, which is why the period between Friday and Sunday is considered three days.

The Importance of Jesus' Resurrection

Jesus' resurrection is not a mere detail in the narrative of his life.

She is the decisive event that confirmed his divinity and the veracity of his words and teachings.

It is proof of Jesus' victory over death and sin, a triumph that offers salvation and hope to all who believe in him.

Why Was Jesus Resurrected?

Jesus was resurrected as a fulfillment of the Scriptures and to demonstrate his power over death.

The death and resurrection of Jesus form the heart of the Christian gospel.

By dying on the cross, Jesus took upon himself the punishment that we all deserved for our sins, offering us reconciliation with God.

And by resurrecting, Jesus overcame death, showing that he has the power to give eternal life to all who believe in him.


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is, therefore, a fundamental event in the Christian faith.

Coming on the third day after his crucifixion, this singular moment not only authenticates Jesus' divinity, but also illustrates his triumphant victory over sin and death.

It is the hope of the resurrection that inspires the faith of millions around the world and provides comfort in the promise of eternal life.

Thus, when reflecting on “When was Jesus resurrected?”, we are not simply considering a historical fact, but contemplating the heart of the Gospel and the source of our hope.

It is also vital to reflect on other aspects of the life of Christ, such as #Who is Jesus?#, to gain a full understanding of the Christian message.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

When was Jesus resurrected?

Jesus is commonly believed to have been resurrected on the third day after his crucifixion, which is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

“What happened on Resurrection Sunday?”

On Resurrection Sunday, Jesus' followers found the tomb where he was buried empty.

He later appeared to his disciples on several occasions.

“How is Jesus’ resurrection celebrated?”

The resurrection of Jesus is celebrated on Easter Sunday, which is the culmination of Holy Week.

The faithful go to church, hold vigils and many participate in the Lord's Supper.

“Why is Jesus’ resurrection important to Christianity?”

The resurrection of Jesus is a central event for Christianity because it is seen as confirmation that Jesus was the Messiah and that his promises of salvation and eternal life are true.

“Is there historical proof of Jesus’ resurrection?”

The resurrection of Jesus is a matter of faith for Christians.

There are historical documents, such as the New Testament gospels, that describe the resurrection, but their interpretation and acceptance varies.

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