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What was Jesus' first miracle? Exploring the Gospel


Throughout the life of Jesus Christ, there were many signs and wonders that He performed. Each miracle revealed His divine power and redemptive mission.

Jesus' First Miracle - Seeds of Faith
Jesus’ First Miracle – Seeds of Faith

But, What was Jesus' first miracle? As we unravel this mystery, we will also delve into some of the 10 most significant miracles performed by Jesus.

The First Miracle: The Transformation of Water into Wine

In Cana in Galilee, during a wedding celebration, a problem occurred: the wine had run out. Mary, the mother of Jesus, aware of her son's power, turned to Him.

What followed was the first recorded miracle of the many that Jesus would perform.


In response to his mother's request, Jesus turned the water into wine, not just any wine, but wine of excellent quality.

This act not only demonstrated His power over nature, but also His compassion and care for human needs.

The 10 Greatest Miracles of Jesus

Resurrection of Lazarus

In Bethany, a small village, one of Jesus' closest friends, Lazarus, died and was buried. Four days after his burial, Jesus arrived at the scene.

Faced with the closed tomb and the mourning of many, He ordered that the stone that closed the tomb be removed.

In an extraordinary demonstration of His divine power over death, Jesus cried out, “Lazarus, come out!” And Lazarus rose again, leaving everyone present in amazement.

This miracle served as a foreshadowing of Christ's own resurrection.

Curing the Paralytic

In a house in Capernaum, a paralyzed man was lowered through the roof by four determined friends, due to the crowd blocking his passage.

Jesus, upon realizing their faith, declared that the paralytic's sins were forgiven.

To prove that He had the authority to forgive sins, He ordered the man to pick up his mat and walk. And he did so, to everyone's wonder.

Feeding the Five Thousand

A large crowd followed Jesus to hear him and see the miracles. At dusk, with just five loaves and two fish provided by a boy, Jesus performed one of his best-known miracles.

He multiplied the food in such a way that more than five thousand people were fed, and there were still twelve baskets of fragments left over.

Walking on Water

At the Sea of Galilee, after feeding the crowd, Jesus made his disciples get into the boat while He went up the mountain to pray.

In the midst of a storm, Jesus approached walking on the water.

Peter, in his characteristic impulsiveness, asked to walk on water too and was granted, but his faith wavered, and he began to sink, being saved by Jesus.

The Cure for the Man Born Blind

In Jerusalem, Jesus met a man blind from birth. Mixing saliva with earth, he made mud, applied it to the blind man's eyes and instructed him to wash in the pool of Siloam.

In doing so, the man gained sight for the first time in his life.

The Expulsion of Demons from Gadara

Across the Sea of Galilee, in Gadara, Jesus encountered a man possessed by a legion of demons.

This man lived among the tombs and no one could contain him.

Jesus ordered the unclean spirits to come out of the man, and they entered a herd of pigs, which rushed down the mountain.

The Healing of the Woman with Hemorrhage

A woman who had suffered from an issue of blood for twelve years approached Jesus from behind and touched the edge of his cloak, believing that this would heal her.

Immediately, her bleeding stopped and Jesus, realizing that power had gone out of Him, identified and praised the woman's faith.

The Resurrection of Jairus' Daughter

Jairus, a synagogue leader, sought Jesus in desperation as his daughter was on the verge of death.

Before they could reach the house, the girl died. But Jesus, with unshakable serenity, stated that she was just sleeping and, in the presence of few, brought her back to life.

The Wonderful Fishing

After a night of unsuccessful fishing, Pedro and his companions were about to give up.

However, at Jesus' instruction, they let down their nets one last time and caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.

Restoring Malchus's Ear

In the Garden of Gethsemane, while Jesus was being arrested, Peter, in a defensive outburst, cut off the ear of Malchus, the high priest's servant. Jesus rebuked Peter and, touching Malchus's ear, restored it.

The birth of Jesus

Before all these miracles, a singular event marked humanity was the birth of Jesus.

But, When was Jesus born? The birth of Jesus took place in Bethlehem, during the reign of King Herod.

He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament.

The birth of Jesus was not just a historical event, but the beginning of humanity's redemption.


Jesus' first miracle at Cana reveals not only His divine power but also His love and care for humanity.

Each of the subsequent miracles shows us different facets of this love and power.

And it all started with the birth of a boy in Bethlehem, an event that changed the course of history and offered hope to us all.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What was Jesus' first miracle?

Jesus' first miracle was the transformation of water into wine during a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee.

Why is this miracle considered the first?

The Gospel of John specifically describes this miracle as the 'first' (John 2:11), thus marking the beginning of Jesus' public ministry and the first explicit demonstration of His divine power.

What does this miracle mean?

The miracle represents not only Jesus' divine power over nature, but also his compassion and care for human needs.

It can also be interpreted as a symbol of the new covenant, with the wine representing the blood of Christ.

Who witnessed this miracle?

Jesus' disciples, his mother Mary, the servants at the party, and possibly other guests witnessed this miracle.

It was after this miracle that the disciples began to believe in him.

Is this miracle recognized by all Christian traditions?

Yes, this miracle is widely recognized in different Christian traditions, including Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, as the first miracle of Jesus.

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