Aguarde Carregando

The Last Miracle of Jesus: The Resurrection and Its Relevance in the Christian Faith!


Jesus' miracles are powerful and revealing moments of His divinity, as reported in the Gospels.

Jesus' Last Miracle - Seeds of Faith
The Last Miracle of Jesus – Seeds of Faith

They provide information about His nature, His compassion for humanity, and His supernatural power.

However, among all of Jesus' miracles, the last one stands out as the most important and the most impactful for the Christian faith: His own resurrection from the dead.

This article sets out to explore this singular event in depth, highlighting its meaning and implications for the Christian faith.


The Resurrection: The Last Miracle and Its Significance

The resurrection of Jesus is the central miracle of Christianity.

It is the event that differentiates Jesus from other religious teachers or prophets – Jesus was not just a man who performed miracles and taught great truths, He overcame death and lives eternally.

But beyond these remarkable feats, many wonder: # “Where was Jesus born?”#

The resurrection of Jesus is also a promise for all believers.

In John 11:25-26, Jesus says: “The resurrection and the life am I. He who still believes in me, let him die, will live; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

With these words, Jesus promised that everyone who believes in Him will also have eternal life.

The Context of the Resurrection

After an intense week of teachings and confrontations in Jerusalem, known as Holy Week, Jesus was arrested, tried and crucified.

His death on the cross was a time of great sadness and hopelessness for His disciples.

They had lost their Master and friend, and it seemed that all the dreams and hopes they had placed in Him had died as well.

But on His third day after His death, something extraordinary happened. Jesus was no longer in the tomb in which he had been buried.

Instead, He appeared to His disciples, alive, resurrected.

His resurrection from the dead was His last and greatest miracle, a definitive proclamation of His divinity and power over life and death.

To fully understand this miracle, it is essential to consider: # “Who is Jesus?”#

Resurrection as Transformation

The miracle of the resurrection was not just a return to life. It was a transformation.

Jesus' resurrected body was different.

He had the ability to appear and disappear (Luke 24:31), and could be touched and handled (John 20:27).

The resurrection of Jesus suggests an afterlife reality that is beyond our complete understanding, but will be full of joy and immortality.

The Resurrection and the Christian Faith

The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

The apostle Paul expressed this clearly when he wrote to the Corinthians: “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is wasted, and your faith is also wasted” (1 Corinthians 15:14).

The resurrection is confirmation of the divinity of Jesus, the truth of His teachings, and the efficacy of His sacrificial death.

The 6 Greatest Miracles of Jesus

  1. The Transformation of Water into Wine (John 2:1-11): This was Jesus' first miracle, performed during a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee. Jesus turned water into wine, saving the groom's family from the embarrassment of running out of wine during the celebration.
  2. The Feeding of the Five Thousand (Matthew 14:13-21): Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle highlighted His compassion for humanity and His ability to provide abundantly.
  3. Jesus Walking on Water (Matthew 14:22-33): This miracle is a powerful demonstration of Jesus' sovereignty over natural forces. When the disciples were in the middle of a storm, Jesus walked to them on the water, calming the storm and their fears.
  4. The Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44): Jesus demonstrated His power over life and death by resurrecting Lazarus, who had died four days earlier. This miracle pointed to His own resurrection to come.
  5. The Healing of the Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41): In this miracle, Jesus healed a man who was born blind, showing that He has the power to completely restore our sight – both physical and spiritual.
  6. The Miraculous Fishing (Luke 5:1-11): After an unsuccessful night, Jesus instructed the fishermen to let down their nets again. They caught such a large number of fish that they almost broke the nets. This miracle revealed the divine providence of Jesus.


Jesus' ultimate miracle, His resurrection, is the heart of the Christian message.

This extraordinary event highlights the divinity of Jesus, His victory over death and the hope of eternal life for all who believe in Him.

The miracle of the resurrection is a source of comfort, hope, and joy, inviting everyone to explore more deeply the life, teachings, and person of Jesus Christ.

It is also an opportunity to reflect on other aspects of the life of Jesus, such as # “The birth of Jesus”#, which began this journey of miracles and teachings.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions)

What was the last miracle Jesus performed?

The last miracle Jesus performed, according to the New Testament of the Bible, was the resurrection of Lazarus.

“Why is this miracle considered the last?”

This miracle is considered the last great miracle before the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, events that mark the end of his earthly ministry.

“Who were the witnesses to Jesus’ last miracle?”

The witnesses to Jesus' last miracle were mainly Jesus' disciples, as well as many Jews who came to console Martha and Mary, Lazarus' sisters.

“What is the importance of this miracle in Christian theology?”

This miracle has great importance in Christian theology, as it illustrates Jesus' statement that He is the resurrection and the life, and that those who believe in Him, even if they die, will live.

“How does Jesus’ last miracle influence Christian faith today?”

Jesus' last miracle continues to influence Christian faith today, providing hope and confidence in the resurrection of the dead and eternal life.

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