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Do you know what the shortest book in the Bible is? Discover and Discover its Fascinating History!


The Bible is an impressive set of sacred texts that have shaped the lives of billions of people around the world.

Do you know what the shortest book in the Bible is? - Seeds of Faith
Do you know what is the shortest book in the Bible? – Seeds of Faith

In its vastness of knowledge and stories, there is a little gem that many readers may have missed: the shortest book in the Bible. But which one will it be?

Get ready to discover and delve into the rich history of this compact yet meaningful text.

The Minors' Race

If you thought that answering the question “What is the shortest book in the Bible?” It would be easy, think again.


But, just like “The Lord is my shepherd and I will lack nothing“, each book of the Bible has a unique purpose and message, regardless of its size.

There is some controversy on this topic, depending on how the “size” of a biblical book is measured.

If we count in terms of chapters, there are several books that contain only one chapter, including Philemon, II John, III John, Jude, and Obadiah in the Old Testament.

But if we measure by the number of words, the story changes…

The Shortest Book of the Bible: II John

By word count, the shortest book in the Bible is the book of II John, with just 245 Greek words in the Critical Text.

Although it is brief, II John is a poignant letter that addresses crucial themes such as love, truth, and vigilance against false teachings.

A Journey through II John

Written as a personal letter from the apostle John, II John was intended for an “elect lady and her children,” whose exact identity remains a mystery to us to this day.

Some suggest that this “elected lady” is a metaphor for a specific church, while others believe it refers to a specific woman and her family.

The letter highlights the importance of loving one another, a recurring theme in John's writings, and this is seen as a fundamental commandment given by Jesus.

John also warns against false teachers – those who deny the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh – and encourages the “elect lady” to stand firm in truth and doctrine.

Despite its brief length, II John manages to convey powerful messages about faith, truth, and love.


Although 2 John is the shortest book in the Bible by word count, it is vivid proof that size does not determine value.

In his concise letter, the apostle John reminds us of love as a divine command and warns about the dangers of religious deception.

May we all take the lessons of II John to heart and apply them to our everyday lives, for, as this book demonstrates, even the briefest messages can contain profound and lasting wisdom.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the smallest book in the Bible?

The shortest book in the Bible, in terms of verses, is the book of 2 John in the New Testament, with just 13 verses.

“How many verses are there in the shortest book of the Bible?”

The book of 2 John, the shortest book in the Bible, has just 13 verses.

“Does the shortest book in the Bible change when we consider the Old Testament and the New Testament separately?”

Yes, when we consider the Testaments separately, the smallest book in the Old Testament, in terms of verses, is Obadiah, with 21 verses.

“Is there any special significance to the size of the book of 2 John in the Bible?”

The size of 2 John should not diminish its importance.

Although it is one of the shortest books in the Bible, it contains significant messages about love, truth, and warning against false teachers.

“Are there other ways to measure the “shortest” book of the Bible other than the number of verses?”

Yes, besides the number of verses, another common method for determining the length of a book of the Bible is the number of words.

In this case, the shortest book would be 3 John, with just 219 words in the original Greek text.

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