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Psalms, Chapter 140:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 140 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Deliver me, Lord, from evil men; protect me from the violent who rise up against me.
  • 2. They plot wicked plans in their hearts and are always stirring up conflicts and discord.
  • 3. His words are sharp as a serpent's tongue, viper's venom is on his lips.
  • 4. Protect me, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent who wish to see me fall.
  • 5. Arrogant men lie in wait for me, they spread their wicked nets along my path.
  • 6. To you, Lord, I cry: You are my God, hear, O Lord, my supplication and grant my request.
  • 7. O Sovereign Lord, my mighty savior, you protect my head in the day of battle.
  • 8. Do not allow, Lord, the wicked to prosper; do not let their evil plans succeed, lest they boast in their wickedness.
  • 9. Cause the evil they speak to fall upon them, and they may be consumed by the coals of the fire, and thrown into pits from which they can never escape.
  • 10. May slanderers find no shelter on earth, may misfortune pursue the violent to death.
  • 11. For I know that the Lord will defend the cause of the needy and bring justice to the poor who are oppressed.
  • 12. Surely the righteous will give thanks to your name, O Lord, and the upright will live in your presence, under your protection.
  • 13. May your grace and righteousness prevail forever, and may the faithful rejoice in your presence forever. Amen.

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