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Songs, Chapter 6:


Verses from Songs, Chapter 6 of the book of Songs of the Bible.

Songs - Old Testament.
Songs – Old Testament.
  • 1. Where did your beloved, the most beautiful among women, go? Tell us where your loved one has gone, so we can look for him or her with you!
  • 2. My beloved went to his garden, to the beds of aromatic plants, to enjoy himself and collect lilies.
  • 3. I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me; he revels among the lilies.
  • 4. My beloved, you are beautiful like Tirzah, enchanting like Jerusalem, impressive like an army in formation.
  • 5. Keep your eyes away from me, for they make me uneasy. Your hair is like a group of goats that come down from Gilead.
  • 6. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep returning from washing. Each one has its own pair, there are none without puppies.
  • 7. Her faces, behind the veil, are like halves of a pomegranate.
  • 8. There may be sixty queens, eighty concubines, and countless maidens,
  • 9. but she is the only one, my dove, my perfect woman! She is her mother's favorite daughter, the chosen one of her mother. When young women see her, they recognize her happiness; the queens and concubines praise her.
  • 10. Who is this that appears like the dawn, beautiful like the Moon, resplendent like the Sun, impressive like an army in formation?
  • 11. I went down to the walnut grove to look at the buds in the valley, to see if the vines had blossomed and if the pomegranates were in bloom.
  • 12. Before I knew it, you placed me between the carriages, with a prince at my side.
  • 13. Return, return, Shulamite; return, return, that we may admire her.O Beloved Why do you wish to admire the Shulamite, as if she were a dance of Mahanaim?

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