Aguarde Carregando

Songs, Chapter 1:


Verses from Songs, Chapter 1 of the book of Songs of the Bible.

Songs - Old Testament.
Songs – Old Testament.
  • 1. Song of Songs of Solomon.
  • 2. Ah, if he kissed me, if his mouth covered me with kisses... Yes, his caresses are more pleasant than wine.
  • 3. The fragrance of their perfumes is mild; your name is like spilled perfume. No wonder young girls love him!
  • 4. Take me with you! Let's go fast! Take me the king to your chambers!
  • 5. Friends (Women of Jerusalem) We are joyful and happy because of you; we will celebrate your love more than wine.
  • 6. The Beloved You are rightly loved! I am dark, but I am beautiful, O women of Jerusalem; dark as the tents of Kedar, beautiful as the curtains of Solomon.
  • 7. Don't look at me like that because I'm dark; it was the sun that burned my skin. My mother's sons were angry with me and made me look after the vineyards; However, I was unable to take care of my own vineyard.
  • 8. Tell me, you whom I love, where do you graze your flock and where do you rest your sheep at noon? If I do not know this, I will be like a woman covered with a veil among the flocks of her friends.
  • 9. If you, the most beautiful of women, if you don't know, follow the trail of the sheep and make your goats graze by the shepherds' tents.
  • 10. I compare you, my dear, to a mare in Pharaoh's chariots.
  • 11. How beautiful are your cheeks between your earrings, and your neck with your jeweled necklaces!
  • 12. We will make you earrings of gold inlaid with silver.
  • 13. While the king was in his chambers, my spikenard spread its fragrance.
  • 14. My beloved is to me like a little bag of myrrh that spends the night between my breasts.
  • 15. My beloved is to me a bouquet of henna flowers from the vineyards of En-Gedi.
  • 16. How beautiful you are, my dear! Oh, how beautiful it is! His eyes are doves.
  • 17. How beautiful you are, my beloved! Oh, how charming! Green is our bed.
  • 18. The beams of our house are made of cedar, and the rafters of our roof are made of cypress.

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