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Psalms, Chapter 99:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 99 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. The Lord reigns! All nations tremble before His sovereignty! Your throne is high above the seraphim! The earth is shaken by His glory!
  • 2. Magnificent is the Lord in Zion, exalted above all nations! His majesty shines and His power transcends the limits of the universe!
  • 3. Praise be to Your great and awesome name, which is holy and worthy of worship! Your holiness permeates all creation!
  • 4. O mighty King, protector of justice! Your law established equity and in Israel you executed what is right and just!
  • 5. Praise the Lord, our God! Bow down to the pedestal of His feet! For He is holy and deserves all honor and reverence!
  • 6. Moses and Aaron were chosen from among the priests, Samuel was one of those who called upon His name. They cried out to the Lord and He answered them.
  • 7. He spoke to them through the pillar of cloud, and they obeyed His commandments and decrees given to them.
  • 8. You, Lord our God, answered them! You forgave their transgressions, although You disciplined them for their rebellions.
  • 9. Exalt the Lord, our God! Bow down, facing His holy mountain, for the Lord, our God, is holy in all His essence.

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