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Psalms, Chapter 64:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 64 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Hear me, O God, when I express my concern; protect my life from the threatening enemy.
  • 2. Defend me from the conspiracy of the wicked and the noisy multitude of evildoers.
  • 3. They sharpen their tongues like a sharp sword and shoot poisoned words like arrows.
  • 4. They ambush themselves from where they are hidden and attack the righteous man; They shoot surprisingly, without any fear.
  • 5. They incite one another with evil plans, they conspire how to hide their traps, and they say, “Who will discover us?”
  • 6. They plan injustice and say, “We have a perfect plan!” The minds and hearts of each of them are filled with deception!
  • 7. But God will shoot his arrows at them; will suddenly be hit.
  • 8. By their own words they will make one another fall; those who see them shake their heads and mock them.
  • 9. All men will fear and proclaim the works of God, reflecting on what He has done.
  • 10. Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and seek refuge in him; Let all you upright in heart rejoice!

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