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Psalms, Chapter 147:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 147 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Hallelujah! How wonderful it is to sing songs of praise to our God! What delight and propriety there is in exalting Him!
  • 2. The Lord restores Jerusalem; He gathers the exiles of Israel.
  • 3. Only He heals the broken hearts and tends their wounds.
  • 4. He counts the number of stars and calls each one by its name.
  • 5. Magnificent is our Sovereign, and awesome is His power; It is impossible to measure His understanding.
  • 6. The Lord supports the oppressed, but brings the wicked to the ground.
  • 7. Let us sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; to the sound of the harp, let us make music in honor of our God.
  • 8. He covers the sky with clouds, gives rain to the earth, and makes grass grow on the hills.
  • 9. He feeds the animals and the young crows when they cry for food.
  • 10. It is not the strength of the horse that pleases Him, nor is it the agility of the man that pleases Him;
  • 11. the Lord delights in those who fear Him, in those who place their hope in His loyal love.
  • 12. Exalt the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion,
  • 13. for He has strengthened the bars of its doors and blessed His people who live there.
  • 14. It is He who keeps its borders safe and supplies it with the best wheat.
  • 15. He sends His commands to the earth, and His word runs swiftly.
  • 16. He makes snow fall like wool, and scatters frost like ashes.
  • 17. Makes ice fall like stone. Who can bear His cold?
  • 18. He sends His word, and the ice melts; He sends His breath, and the waters flow again.
  • 19. He reveals His word to Jacob, His decrees and ordinances to Israel.
  • 20. He did not do this to any other nation; all others are unaware of His ordinances. Hallelujah!

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