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Psalms, Chapter 144:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 144 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, who prepares my hands for battle and my fingers for combat.
  • 2. He is my faithful ally, my fortress, my security tower and my deliverer; It is my shield, where I find refuge. He subdues the people before me.
  • 3. O Lord, what is a human being that You care for him, or the son of man that You care for him?
  • 4. The human being is like a breath; your days are like a fleeting shadow.
  • 5. Stretch out your heavens and come down, Lord; touch the mountains, and they will smoke.
  • 6. Shoots lightning and scatters enemies; launch your arrows and make them flee.
  • 7. Stretch out your hand from above and rescue me; deliver me from the deep waters, from the hands of foreigners,
  • 8. who have deceitful mouths and treacherous hands raised.
  • 9. I will sing to you, O God, a new song; I will play for you an instrument with ten strings,
  • 10. for it is you who gives victory to kings and delivers your servant David from the evil sword.
  • 11. Deliver me and free me from the hands of foreigners, who have deceitful mouths and treacherous hands lifted up.
  • 12. Then in our youth our children will grow like lush plants; our daughters will be like columns carved to adorn a palace.
  • 13. Our barns will be full of all kinds of provisions. Our herds will multiply by thousands, in our fields by tens of thousands;
  • 14. our cattle will have healthy offspring; there will be no plagues or miscarriages. No laments will be heard in our streets.
  • 15. How happy are the people thus blessed! How happy are the people whose God is the Lord!

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