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Psalms, Chapter 135:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 135 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord; Praise him, you servants of the Lord, 2you who serve in the house of the Lord, in the courtyards of the house of our God.
  • 3. Praise the Lord, for He is infinitely good; sing praises to His name, for He is worthy of all love.
  • 4. For the Lord chose Jacob as His heir; to Israel, His personal and true treasure.
  • 5. We know that the Lord is incomparable, without equal, sovereign over all gods, majestic everywhere.
  • 6. The Lord carries out his will with power and dexterity, in the heavens and on earth, in the seas and beyond nature.
  • 7. He summons the clouds from the ends of the earth, sends lightning and rain with dexterity and wise operation.
  • 8. It was He who, in Egypt, smote the firstborn, men and animals, and acted in justice.
  • 9. With signs and wonders, in Egypt he performed unparalleled wonders, against Pharaoh and advisors, His glory shining.
  • 10. He smote many nations with severity, and defeated mighty kings by His wrath.
  • 11. Because Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan, among others, did not stand before Him, and their armies God destroyed.
  • 12. They gave their land to Israel as an inheritance, to be the people of God, with a covenant.
  • 13. Your name, Lord, will endure forever, your fame, Lord, will echo throughout all generations!
  • 14. The Lord will defend His people with compassion, He will extend His hand to His servants.
  • 15. The idols of the nations are vain, made of silver and gold by human hands.
  • 16. They have a mouth, but they cannot speak; eyes, but they cannot see.
  • 17. They have ears, but they cannot hear, and there is no life springing from their mouths.
  • 18. Let those who forge them become like them; and also all who trust in them are ashamed.
  • 19. Bless the Lord, O Israelites! Bless the Lord, O priests!
  • 20. Bless the Lord, O Levites! Bless the Lord, all who fear Him, with bold hearts!
  • 21. Blessed be the Lord from Zion, he who dwells in Jerusalem, exalted be he in praise and worship. Hallelujah!

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