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Psalms, Chapter 132:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 132 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Lord, remember David and all his tribulations.
  • 2. He swore an oath to the Lord, a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob:
  • 3. “I will not enter my home, nor lie down on my bed;
  • 4. I will not allow my eyes to rest nor my eyelids to rest,
  • 5. until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
  • 6. We heard that the ark was in Ephrath, and we found it in the fields of Jaar:
  • 7. “Let us go to His dwelling place, let us bow down before His footstool!
  • 8. Arise, Lord, come to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your power.
  • 9. May Your priests clothe themselves with righteousness, and may Your saints rejoice with joy.”
  • 10. For the sake of David, Your servant, do not reject Your anointed.
  • 11. The Lord swore an oath to David, a firm promise that he will not revoke: “I will place a descendant of yours on your throne.
  • 12. If your children keep My covenant and My testimonies that I will teach them, their children will also inherit your throne forever.”
  • 13. The Lord chose Zion, longing to have her as his home:
  • 14. “This will be My eternal resting place; Here I will establish My throne, for it is the place I desired.
  • 15. I will abundantly bless your provisions; I will satisfy your needy with bread.
  • 16. I will clothe your priests with salvation, and your faithful ones will rejoice with joy.
  • 17. There I will raise up a mighty descendant of David, and I will light the lamp of My anointed.
  • 18. I will cover his enemies with shame, but his crown will shine on him.”

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