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Psalms, Chapter 102:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 102 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Hear my supplication, O Lord! May the cry of my afflicted heart reach You!
  • 2. Do not look away from me when I am in trouble. Incline your ears to me; When I cry, answer me promptly!
  • 3. My days vanish like smoke; my bones burn like burning coals.
  • 4. My soul is like parched grass; I even forget to eat!
  • 5. From so much regret, I became skin and bones.
  • 6. I resemble the desert owl, a loner among the ruins.
  • 7. I can't find rest; I look like a lonely bird on the roof.
  • 8. My enemies mock me all the time; those who insult me use my name to cast curses on me.
  • 9. Ashes are my food, and with tears I mix what I drink,
  • 10. because of your indignation and anger, because you rejected me and drove me away from you.
  • 11. My days are like declining shadows; I am like grass that withers.
  • 12. But you, O Lord, reign forever on your throne; your name will be remembered from generation to generation.
  • 13. You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for the time has come to show her mercy; the right time is now.
  • 14. The stones of Zion are loved by your servants, and their ruins awaken compassion in them.
  • 15. Then the nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth will recognize your glory.
  • 16. For the Lord will rebuild Zion and reveal his glory.
  • 17. He will answer the cry of the helpless; he will not despise your prayers.
  • 18. Let this be recorded for future generations, and a people yet to be created will praise the Lord, proclaiming:
  • 19. “From his sanctuary on high the Lord looked; from heaven He beheld the earth,
  • 20. to hear the groans of the prisoners and to free those condemned to death.”
  • 21. So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem,
  • 22. when peoples and kingdoms come together to worship the Lord.
  • 23. In the midst of my life he struck me down with his power; shortened my days.
  • 24. Then I cried out, “O my God, do not take me away in the midst of my days. Your days will endure for all generations!”
  • 25. In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.
  • 26. They will perish, but You will remain; they will age like garments. You will change them like a cloak and they will be thrown away.
  • 27. But you are the same, and your days will never end.
  • 28. The children of your servants will have a place to live; his descendants will be established in your presence.

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