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Proverbs, Chapter 7:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 7 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. Obey, my son, my instructions, and keep my commandments in your heart.
  • 2. Value my teachings as the key to life, and keep them as a precious treasure.
  • 3. Engrave them in your mind, tie them in your fingers, so that they never depart from your heart.
  • 4. Recognize wisdom as your faithful companion, and understanding as a near relative.
  • 5. They will preserve him from the charm of the immoral woman, and from the seductive lips of the adulteress.
  • 6. From my home, through the bars of the window, I observed an inexperienced person among the young people.
  • 7. He walked down the street, near her corner, following the path to his house.
  • 8. It was twilight, night was beginning to fall, darkness covered the landscape.
  • 9. Then she approached, the provocative woman, dressed like a prostitute, cunning at heart.
  • 10. (Always restless and ardent, never at home, in the squares she settles,
  • 11. lurking around every corner.)
  • 12. She grabbed him, kissed him boldly,
  • 13. and without shame, he said to him:
  • 14. “At home, I prepared communion offerings, today I fulfilled my vows.
  • 15. That's why I went looking for you, and I finally found you!
  • 16. I prepared my bed with fine linen from Egypt.
  • 17. I perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloe and cinnamon.
  • 18. Come, let us indulge ourselves with pleasure until dawn; Let's enjoy the delights of love!
  • 19. My husband is far away, he went on a long journey.
  • 20. He took with him a bag full of money and will only return after the full moon.”
  • 21. She persuaded him with her seductive words, and attracted him with her pleasant speech.
  • 22. Immediately he followed her, like an ox led to the slaughter, or like a deer running into a trap,
  • 23. without knowing that it will cost him his life, like a bird that flies into a snare.
  • 24. Therefore, my son, listen to me carefully, pay attention to my words.
  • 25. Don't get carried away by your paths, don't get lost in your paths.
  • 26. For many were those whom it caused to fall; countless are those she killed.
  • 27. Her house is a path that leads to the grave, to the abode of the dead.

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