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Proverbs Chapter 28:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 28 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. The wicked, even without persecution, flees like a coward, But the righteous are courageous like lions, without fear they face reality.
  • 2. The sins of a nation lead to a change of rulers, But order is preserved with wise and prudent leaders.
  • 3. When a poor man rises and oppresses the needy, It is like a sudden storm that devastates the entire plantation.
  • 4. Those who abandon the law praise the wicked, While those obedient to the law fight against evil influences.
  • 5. Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the Lord understand it clearly.
  • 6. It is better to be a poor man with integrity in his path, Than a wicked rich man who follows follies.
  • 7. He who obeys the law is a wise son, But whoever joins with gluttons brings shame to his own father.
  • 8. He who increases his wealth with exorbitant interest, Accumulates for others who will be generous to the poor.
  • 9. He who rejects the law finds even his prayers detested.
  • 10. He who leads a righteous man astray will fall into the trap he himself has prepared, But he who remains righteous will have a good reward.
  • 11. The rich may consider themselves wise, But the poor in discernment know better.
  • 12. When the righteous triumph, there is prosperity in the nation; But when the wicked rise to power, people hide.
  • 13.He who hides his sins does not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them finds mercy.
  • 14. Happy is the man who is constant in the fear of the Lord, But whoever hardens his heart will fall into disgrace.
  • 15. Like a roaring lion or a fierce bear, It is the wicked who rules a needy people.
  • 16. An undiscerning ruler increases oppression, But those who abhor dishonest gain prolong their rule.
  • 17. The murderer tormented by guilt will be a fugitive until his death, Let no one protect him!
  • 18He who acts with integrity will live in safety, But whoever acts wickedly will fall suddenly.
  • 19. Whoever works his land will have plenty of food, But whoever pursues fantasies will be satisfied with misery.
  • 20. The faithful will be richly blessed, But whoever tries to get rich quickly will not go unpunished.
  • 21Being partial is not good; For even for a piece of bread a man is willing to do evil.
  • 22. The envious person is greedy for riches and does not realize that poverty awaits him.
  • 23. Whoever rebukes his neighbor will ultimately obtain more favor Than he who only knows how to flatter.
  • 24. He who robs his father or mother and says, “It is not wrong,” Is a friend of the one who brings destruction.
  • 25. The greedy person provokes quarrels, But whoever trusts in the Lord will prosper.
  • 26. He who trusts in himself is foolish, But he who walks according to wisdom is in no danger.
  • 27. Whoever gives to the poor will not be in need, But whoever closes his eyes so as not to see them will suffer many curses.
  • 28. When the wicked rise to power, The people hide; But when they succumb, The righteous flourish and prosper.

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