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Proverbs, Chapter 25:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 25 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. These are the proverbs of Solomon, collected by the servants of Hezekiah, king of Judah:
  • 2. The glory of God is to hide certain things; searching for them is the glory of kings.
  • 3. As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so are the hearts of kings unfathomable.
  • 4. When refining silver, the dross is removed, and the goldsmith obtains the pure material.
  • 5. When the wicked are removed from the king's presence, justice establishes his throne.
  • 6. Do not exalt yourself before the king, nor seek a place among the great;
  • 7. for it is better for the king to invite him, saying, “Come near,” than to be humiliated in the presence of authority. What your eyes saw,
  • 8. do not rush to take it to court, because what will you do if your neighbor discredits you?
  • 9. Seek to resolve your problems directly with others and do not reveal someone else's secret,
  • 10. otherwise, anyone who hears may blame you, and you will lose your good reputation.
  • 11. A word spoken at the right time is like apples of gold in silver jewelry.
  • 12. Reproof given wisely is like a golden earring and an ornament of fine gold.
  • 13. As the freshness of the snow at harvest time, so is the trustworthy messenger to those who send him; he invigorates the spirits of his masters.
  • 14. Like clouds and winds without rain is he who boasts of gifts not given.
  • 15. With a lot of patience, it is possible to convince authority, and a soft tongue can break bones.
  • 16If you find honey, eat it in moderation, so as not to become full and vomit.
  • 17Do not visit your neighbor often, lest he grow tired of you and hate you.
  • 18. He is like a stick, a sword, or a sharp arrow who bears false witness against his neighbor.
  • 19. Trusting a hypocrite in times of trouble is like a bad tooth or a dislocated foot.
  • 20. Singing songs with a sad heart is like taking off your clothes on a cold day or pouring vinegar on a wound.
  • 21. If your enemy is hungry, give him food; If he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
  • 22. As you do this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward him.
  • 23. Just as the north wind brings rain, so a false tongue brings an angry look.
  • 24. It's better to live in a corner under the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome woman.
  • 25. Like cool water to a thirsty throat is good news that comes from a distant land.
  • 26. Like a contaminated spring or a polluted spring, so is the righteous who surrenders before the wicked.
  • 27. Eating excessive honey is not good, nor is seeking one's honor honorable.
  • 28. Like a city with its walls torn down, so is one who does not know how to control himself.

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