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Proverbs, Chapter 14:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 14 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. A wise person builds a solid home, while a foolish person destroys it with his own hands.
  • 2. He who lives righteously fears the Lord, but whoever follows deceitful ways disrespects Him.
  • 3. The words of a fool lead him to be punished, but the lips of a wise man protect him.
  • 4. The barn is empty where there are no oxen, but a great harvest comes from the strength of the ox.
  • 5. A sincere witness does not lie, but a false witness overflows with lies.
  • 6. He who scoffs at wisdom seeks in vain, but discernment is easily attained by those who are wise.
  • 7. Stay away from a fool, for you will not find wisdom in him.
  • 8. True wisdom is to discern one's own path, but folly deceives fools.
  • 9. The foolish scoff at correcting their mistakes, but the righteous show willingness to do so.
  • 10. Every heart knows its own bitterness, and no one can fully share its joy.
  • 11. The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the righteous will flourish.
  • 12. There are paths that seem right to man, but in the end they lead to death.
  • 13. Even in laughter, the heart can suffer, and joy can end in sadness.
  • 14. Evil deeds will bring retribution to the unfaithful, but good men will be rewarded.
  • 15. The inexperienced person easily believes everything, but the prudent man carefully evaluates his steps.
  • 16. The wise man is cautious and avoids evil, but the fool acts impulsively and irresponsibly.
  • 17. He who is easily angered does foolish things, and a cunning man is hated.
  • 18. The inexperienced inherit foolishness, but knowledge is the crown of the prudent.
  • 19. The wicked will bow down before the righteous, and the wicked before the gates of justice.
  • 20. The poor are avoided even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends.
  • 21. Whoever despises his neighbor sins, but happy is he who treats those in need with kindness.
  • 22. Those who only think about evil will perish, but those who plan good will find love and faithfulness.
  • 23. Hard work brings rewards, while just talking leads to poverty.
  • 24. The wealth of the wise is their crown, but the folly of fools only brings more folly.
  • 25. A witness who tells the truth saves lives, but a false witness is deceitful.
  • 26. He who fears the Lord finds safety, and his children have a safe haven.
  • 27. The fear of the Lord is a source of life, warding off the snares of death.
  • 28. A large population is the glory of the king, but without subjects, the prince is ruined.
  • 29. Patience reveals great understanding, while rashness denotes foolishness.
  • 30. A heart at peace brings life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
  • 31. To oppress the poor is to outrage their Creator, but to treat the needy with kindness is to honor God.
  • 32. When calamity comes, the wicked are cast down, but the righteous find refuge even in the face of death.
  • 33. Wisdom dwells in the hearts of those who have discernment, even among fools it makes itself known.
  • 34. Righteousness makes a nation great, while sin is shameful for any people.
  • 35. A wise servant pleases the king, but he who acts shamefully meets with royal wrath.

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